That’s such a tough call I don’t envy having to make. Some of the content created while he was ok is one of a kind. I’m picturing the interview he had with Quyen Tran where she shared her and Sam’s 9/11 story. We’re missing that verbal history for people to hear, now. Balancing that with not giving him air time, or worse, having to pay out to him must have been an extremely hard decision.
Wait what’s going on? What drama? Haven’t paid attention to critical role in a few years.
Considering the reasoning, I have zero issue with this. BWF is scum, and a good cleaning of their presence from the brand is perfectly in order.
I don’t follow Critical Role, mind explaining?
BWF is Brian Wayne Foster.
He’s one of the (now ex) members of critical role. He was engaged to Ashley Johnson (from critical role, Ellie in TLOU games, waitress in avengers) and they separated with restraining orders because of abuse and general assholeishness.
So critical role is removing him from their content as best as they can so he doesn’t get visibility and such.
Ah, seems reasonable. Would be kinda difficult to just edit him out of it entirely
Close to impossible of an undertaking if there ever was one.
tl;dr would be that one of the main actresses on critical role (Ashley Johnston) was in an abusive relationship with this guy named Foster, and Critical Role has now scrubbed every notion of his existence from their page by deleting all videos with him in it.
A valuable lesson on the importance of local archiving and not trusting any online source to stay online.
Sorry, stepped away to make dinner. Looks like others gave you the reasoning though.
Jesus, I remember when they announced he wouldn’t be back for Talks at the start of C3, but I had no idea about any of the reasoning behind it.
Tough decision for sure, but definitely one that speaks to their integrity as creators and as a company. Best wishes to them moving forward, and hope Ashley is doing well of course.
Totally understand the reasoning and honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if most if not all that content still exists somewhere. I would be shocked if some fan somewhere hadn’t backed it up at some point like with the Wendy’s one shot
That’s real shame but understandable. Undeadwood was great and the talks machina was amazing compainian to the series although I guess if you are binge watching the series having a companion piece is less needed so maybe they were of their time for speculation. But again totally see why the core crew would want it gone from their platform
Remove hundreds of hours of content because of one piece of shit (and make no mistake, he is a piece of shit) but is still in the pocket of Amazon.