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I was pretty suprised not to see Wells Fargo in the mix, but I’d bet they’re in the top 10. Regardless, they’re in the top 4 for oil funding, so that alone earns them none of my business!
Financial institutions have a long way to go in terms of matching USA USA’s contribution of arms & money to Netanyahu’s obliteration of Gaza—do better babe or whatever Melonia says to buck up the underlings in her charming semi-illiterate illegal immigrant trophy wife kind of way
Deutsche Bank… Perfect…
deutsche bank does some of the evilest shit out there
If someone invented a machine to turn orphan children into garden fertilizer, you know Deutsche Bank would find a way to invest in it.
Those guys are not just evil, they’re dumb too.
Use credit unions, folks! They are local, better customer service by a mile, and not largely tied into the scumbag behavior of the mega-banks.
Divest yall
I pulled ALL my money except for 30 cents from my goldman sachs account so they have to pay for operating costs
Hope you went to a credit union.
The 7 banks are Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Citi, Barclays, and JPMorgan Chase.
Glad I am not banking with any of them.