They are not practitioners. They hold no medical degree and you should not trust them with any medical care. Treat them for what they are, glorified back crackers who peddle pseudoscience and may kill you by accident.
They are not practitioners. They hold no medical degree and you should not trust them with any medical care. Treat them for what they are, glorified back crackers who peddle pseudoscience and may kill you by accident.
Clearly you’ve never been to a physiotherapist. It’s usually always a 30-60min appointment and they spend the entire time with you, bonus is they are actually trying to fix your problem instead of just temporary pain relief so you keep coming back forever. Not to mentioned they are board certified and didn’t get their certificate from a cracker jack box.
That’s the problem, chiropractors routinely injure and kill people.
They smashed the glass… are you blind or just stupid?
All that accomplishes is pissing people off and making them less empathic to your cause. Not to mention it has killed people by blocking emergency services.
34DDD 5’4 160lbs 😳
Exactly, as if she doesn’t have help that basically mother’s for her.
I’ve been under anesthetic at least 10 times in my life and never dreamed anything, I might as well have been dead.
You act as if gang members don’t shoot innocent people. Your argument is stupid and I think you realize that.
I mean yeah fuck insurance but everyone of those things you listed is definitely covered by HSA. I use my HSA every year for glasses, hospital bills and doctors appointments. also it sounds like you had an FSA since you lost what you didn’t spend. HSA has rollover. But all those expenses you listed are also eligible for FSA.
No it’s exactly the same, you would rather just ignore it because they are gang members.
It is if it involves multiple wounded and or dead. The location doesn’t matter.
Gun violence is gun violence. Doesn’t matter what location it takes place in.
Do you not realize that bullets go through walls? Luckily it was contained but could have easily turned into a tragedy if some toddler sleeping next door gets hit by a stray bullet. You are arguing semantics, just because it happened at someone’s home instead of public doesn’t not make it a mass shooting. You just want the numbers to look better so you can ignore certain types of gun violence. When in reality it should be lumped together because it is a systematic problem that needs to be fixed.
Idk about that, these days they are pretty emboldened by Trump to just say all kinds of racist shit out loud.
No because they are illegal. The only thing good to come out of the Trump admin.
It did have a notice, they are advertised as having caffeine. So one of two things is going on here: either she just didn’t think it was going to harm her, or she was completely oblivious to all the marketing for it. There is really no proof that the lemonade is what killed her; this is just her parents wanting someone to blame. Unless they can prove without a doubt there was negligence on Panera’s part and that it led to their daughter’s death, then this lawsuit is frivolous.
Ok well even if somehow this particular Panera was devoid of any information about the lemonade, which let’s be honest that is going to be hard enough to prove since the person who was there that day is dead. That doesn’t negate the fact that if you have some kind of health problem associated with certain foods, in this case caffeine, then you should be checking every ingredient of anything you eat especially from a restaurant. If you are buying a product called “charged lemonade” you shouldn’t just expect its going to be standard fare when you had no hand in making the product. Literally anyone with a food allergy deals with this shit on a daily basis, and the only time the restaurant should be to blame is if you specifically asked if said ingredient was in the food and they lie or forget to omit it from the dish.
Both Monster and the Charged lemonade have labels that say “contains caffeine” you know if you had a heart problem and your doctor said not to consume large amounts of caffeine maybe you would read that label just like the peanuts.
Then you should educate yourself and never visit one if you value your well being. It’s an incredibly unsafe practice. Ask any Orthopedic Surgeon how many near permanent injuries they’ve had to fix from a botched chiropractic adjustment.