With all the executive orders he’s spewing forth, I wouldn’t be surprised if you run into some roadblocks, if only out of confusion on the part of immigration officials. For both your sakes, I hope it isn’t too disruptive. Mazel tov!
With all the executive orders he’s spewing forth, I wouldn’t be surprised if you run into some roadblocks, if only out of confusion on the part of immigration officials. For both your sakes, I hope it isn’t too disruptive. Mazel tov!
I wouldn’t hold out too much hope. They’re also preparing to purge the military leadership:
At this point, they aren’t even reporting the cause of death. The oven is just where they found her body.
I’m a little confused why this is in the news. First off, it’s just a House Resolution. It’s has no legally binding repercussions. It’s basically the House of Representatives as a group making a statement: “We don’t like anti-Semitism”. The definition of anti-Semitism they decided to point to is the thing that’s really in contention. But again, this affects nobody but the US House of Representatives.
Secondly, the vote on this took place in December. So it seems kind of late to be raging over it.
Full text of the resolution: https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hres894/BILLS-118hres894ih.pdf
Summary of action: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/894/all-info
If you’re in the US and it really bugs you, I’d suggest looking up how your district representative voted and let them know how you feel about it.
Lol, okay. Wikipedia and Reuters are not US government owned or even US-based media sources, and the wiki article is well cited by sources all over the globe. The US state department posts are just there as a tl;dr to be honest. But sure, any source that doesn’t align with your personal narrative must be biased propaganda. I note you didn’t actually address the point.
If he was so unpopular, then why did Putin try to assassinate him, then imprison him on fabricated charges with no intent to ever release him? Why couldn’t he just defeat him in a fair election and then ignore him?
Thanks. I thought that still seemed really high.
Just a small correction: The sales numbers are 15 million, not 150 million.
I’m not entirely sure. I know that he’s not supposed to use any of his campaign money to pay for fines or other penalties incurred by litigation. I think he might be allowed to use it to pay lawyers to defend him, though.
Yeah, they still print editions with the original cover art. My elementary school library had a copy with the same cover, but it was printed in the 70s, around the time the Rankin Bass animated film came out and created a new surge of popularity.
I feel like there are a couple misrepresentations in your comment: SPD did not send people to DC. They went on their own time. There were 6 of them. Two were terminated after an investigation. For the others, there was not sufficient evidence of any illegal activity to take action. Just being there wasn’t illegal. Don’t think people didn’t take notice, though.
As for the protestors at the governor’s mansion… That has nothing to do with SPD. The state patrol had officers on standby for any violence at the capitol but they weren’t actively on site when people jumped the fence. Still, they responded and had the entire situation under control in 30 minutes. Nobody was hurt. The only damage was a broken gate. I don’t know if anyone was ever charged with anything. I think WSP have revised operating policies as a result. In their defense, nothing like that had ever happened at the governor’s mansion. Ever.
All that said, SPD has some serious issues. They were under federal DOJ oversight for over 10 years as part of a settlement over a pattern of excessive force. It was just lifted in September. I’m not sure it should have been. The fact that 6 officers went to DC for the protests shows that there’s a deep cultural divide between the police and the people of Seattle that they’re supposed to be serving.
The first thing they did was offer free steering wheel locks. Yes, I believe LPL got his hands on one and showed how cheaply made and easily bypassed it is. Since then, they’ve also offered a reinforced ignition cylinder and a software update that is supposed to not allow the car to start without the key in the ignition. I don’t know why they haven’t just retro-fitted the cars with an immobilizer circuit, the lack of which is what started this whole thing. The software update obviously isn’t doing the same job.
Trump’s cash and his overall wealth are separate from his campaign finances, which by all accounts are still strong, but that money can’t be used to finance these verdicts.
That’s adorable. He’ll probably claim it’s a legitimate campaign expense because these cases are all “clearly political attacks”. So there will be another round of cases keeping this all locked up in courts for another 2-3 years.
The vast majority of us don’t want to secede and think this is crazy.
Maybe they don’t want to secede exactly, but I’m not so sure they think this is crazy. Although the demographics in Texas have shifted some in recent years, Abbott was still elected with more than a 10% margin, and polls seem to indicate that a majority of Texans support him on this issue. I don’t doubt that most of the people you know agree with you but Texas is a big state with a very large rural population, and most of them very much believe Texas has the right to defend its own border with Mexico.
Similar story in the US, except instead of a global colonial empire, we just welcomed immigrants from all over the world. They came here and made food that reminded them of home using ingredients they could source locally. So many of the “international” dishes we enjoy here would be unrecognizable in the countries they are associated with.
Because I would have posted it anyway, no matter which manufacturer was involved
Really? Because NHTSA has 40 vehicle recalls on file so far this month, some of which are much more serious, but this is the only one you’ve posted about. Recalls happen all the time for all sorts of reasons. This one is not really noteworthy, no.
EDIT: Shit like this why idiotic people like Trump voters don’t trust “experts.” If he’s an expert I’m Mickey Fucking Mouse and Disney can just try suing me for existing.
He’s an “expert” in selling his services as a financial advisor.
the CROWN Act says that districts can discriminate against hairstyles that are “commonly or historically associated with race”.
They banned the Bible?
Sort of. A few districts in states where they instituted “parental oversight” laws got challenges for the bible, so it was temporarily removed from school libraries until it could go through the review process. AFAIK in every case, it was rubber-stamped instead of facing a review consistent with other challenged books.
Speaking as a US citizen, I’m terrified of the rhetoric the leaders of my country are spewing right now. It feels like a preamble to open war against multiple peaceful allies. He has surrounded himself with sycophants that are urging him on. Hopefully your government is meeting with other world leaders and making appropriate plans. This shit is crazy.