It’s easy to feel like you know nothing when A) there’s seemingly infinite depth to a skill and B) there are so many options.
You’re letting perfection stop you from starting my dude. Dive in!
It’s easy to feel like you know nothing when A) there’s seemingly infinite depth to a skill and B) there are so many options.
You’re letting perfection stop you from starting my dude. Dive in!
Shit dude this aint my fault lmao I’m not going anywhere need Greenland
Too many words, too much to ponder, too few spoons. I appreciate it but I’ll have to circle back on this lol
Appreciate it truly. Not a lot to admire there are a lot of other people doing a lot more than I am, but I am proud of what I do!
I have a lot of queer folks depending on me right now. It’s hard to truly step back. But no one said it’d be easy
Feels all pretty pointless now so thank you, truly. I’m “down but not out” sure, but man am I down right now.
Thank you. I’m not trying to make it about me truly, I’m just so fucking tired
Man I want to pump my fist and say “hell yeah” but it has been a fight for a fucking decade and I just do not see the path forward right now. Right now it feels fucking hopeless and I know that will change but vague notions of unity and fighting back do not carry any water for me right now.
Some of us have put years of work into things that just evaporated two days ago with the stroke of a pen. I’ve been stun grenade-d by the police, been physically grabbed by MAGAts while trying to film interviews as a member of the press, called a race traitor and threatened by neo nazis, been doxxed twice, had my kids threatened, and I’m fucking exhausted. So unless you have something very specific and actionable right this fucking second I can do with minimal effort I just can’t give you any of my mental bandwidth or energy or optimism. I know it will come back, but today? I’m out of spoons.
I think people are about to learn just how much punishment people are willing to tolerate for Trump and how powerless our institutions are in the the face of rich people who are willing to bend so far for Trump.
Don’t count on it.
“President Trump will do what President Trump wants to do. He has a plan, and I will play accordingly,” Goncalves said. “I’m a big boy. I bought Stelco knowing that Stelco is in Canada. And you know what? America first.”
Your mental health comes first but always remember that pretending it doesn’t exist is different from protecting your sanity. It’s a tougher needle to thread than you think!
Good talk!
lol cute still don’t understand a thing about me
That was by far the most pathetic “no u” I’ve ever seen.
I worked both of Bernie’s campaigns, dumbass. Got another shit take for me?
Stop trying to make “blue MAGA” a thing. It’s never going to be a thing.
Man Karen jokes are stale as hell. Gonna call me a triggered snowflake next? Troll me with a rick roll?
Appreciate the insight!
Is that a thing in Germany? Genuinely asking
Oh damn that’s YOUR photo lmao