I just want an example of the thing you are talking about in the comment
I just want an example of the thing you are talking about in the comment
What are you talking about?
Wouldn’t it be ()-)( as a palindrome?
How are they a hazard if they can’t even do damage to anyone, the cars however weigh multiple tons and would instantly kill anthing smaller than a car if hit at something above 30kmh
The bicycles aren’t the hazard, the cars are.
In europe a few countries have city centers where you aren’t allowed to drive your car and some countries have seperate paths where bikes can ride.
Bikes are way better for the environment and trips around 5-15 km can easily be done with a bike without having to pay for gas or insurance etc.
Bikes also help you do excercise without having to waste time because you are doing the excercise while travelling somewhere.
Bikes and public transport are so much more efficient than cars
There are some good videos by notjustbikes on this topic, iirc the main problem is that big streets make people want to drive more which makes everything more crowded
They definitely do, it was only 40 GB instead of the 70 GB when unpacked
I recently helped another person I know, who is like your daughter, pirate the game with all dlc so they don’t spend even more on the game than they already have.
The prices on the DLC are crazy when added up
Yeah will see what I can do once it starts complaining
Which one is it? The one I have still has an overflow/nozzle cleaning sponge that bricks the printer when it’s full
That’s what I was also thinking about but it wasn’t that related to the comment before that one