• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • YouTube automatically generate videos in lower resolution of the one uploaded.
    So when you watch a 4k video and switch to 1080, you are no longer watching the original video but a re-encoded one by YouTube itself which could have more artifacts since it’s resized and compressed.

    I dunno the exact specs (like bit rate, etc.), someone will probably add them in another reply.

  • In my opinion, public istitutions like schools should push FOSS instead of giving private corps more power.

    But most offices actually use those private corps shitty software, so that’s why they train students on that.

    I need to do more advanced stuff, oh GOD!

    These closed platforms by wanting to be more “user-friendly” most of the time become geek-unfriendly. This also make them more profits by making “certified” courses on a damn software. If you need a course to even use a software, then rethink the usability of that software.