1 gig IIRC
1 gig IIRC
Would recommend putting a memory limit on the container.
I had it crash my server by eating it all up.
I think that’s the last prod I needed to finally switch.
I’ve been eyeing that. Using linkding for ‘functional’ sites & linkwarden for articles at the moment.
I like linkding a lot, but am too lazy to tag things properly.
On Windows, Alternative ADP2 driver provides LDAC support. It’s a few bucks, but also the only option I know of.
Same shit trying to implement with systems on the backend older than a lot of people using them today I’d imagine
Fucking ads on my tv home would be an instant refund, unbelievable.
I got no ads on an lg oled, but it’s infuriatingly slow.
Isponsorblock can be run on a local docker machine with the original youtube client to make the experience more bearable.
If you have diarrhoea, it may have been caused by bad food, something you may not want to be absorbing, which may be why the body is trying to purge it ASAP.
I believe this can integrate with various reverse proxies and trigger on-demand?
Is grocery tracking good enough to use owl over Mealie?
Haven’t tried node, so I’m interested to hear as well, but n8n is super easy to set up, and I like the interface.
I’ve looked at node multiple times in the past, and I remember finding no reason to switch.
Bypassing work sandboxing
Like, damn son, at least make a daily archive of your project??
You have to expect things to go wrong, otherwise you have no one but yourself to blame.
Does anyone actually have a suggestion for a less intrusive alternative?
Do you realise how difficult and ineffective server-side anti-cheat can be?
Although it would be the only way to actually try and detect someone using a second machine for hacking/inputs.
All of this will become an increasingly uphill battle for the devs.
In case you’re familiar with Obsidian, there’s Quartz: quartz.jzhao.xyz/ Runs in docker too, practically zero config to start
Closing the lid apparently doesn’t do as much as one might like
Oh that’s brilliant, thanks
How does one self-host Obsidian? Does that just mean file sync? What am I missing?
It’s considered a good design practice if you want to draw attention to a particular metric
Authelia is great. Recently added protection for multiple domains.