So what goes into writting a book, can anyone do it, ive been wanting to do many things for a while but i think sense i was a kid i wanted to write a book or even a short story or something that i can publish. the thing is i have major dylexia, i tend to not plan things and instead write on the spot, also i have partiall ideas. i dont want to write fanfic but instead i want to do something more orginal. i was told i was a creative writter as a kid but im not sure about now.

im not even sure if writting a book is worth it or not i raley even read but yet i feel like something is missing in life. is there by chance a good youtube video that explains all of this?

    2 years ago

    @minorninth I’m seconding NaNoWriMo. It helped me write two novels, and I got my whole family into it as well. Plus there’s a very robust community around it that is full of help and support.

    Also, the best book on writing I ever read was oddly enough by Stephen King (it’s called On Writing). It’s not long, it’s a very easy read and I swear I learned more from that book than I did in college.
