The world has experienced its hottest day on record, according to meteorologists.

The average global temperature reached 17.01C (62.62F) on Monday, according to the US National Centres for Environmental Prediction.

The figure surpasses the previous record of 16.92C (62.46F) - set back in August 2016.

  • Cyrus
    2 years ago

    We’re gonna blow right past it.

    Billions will die.

    It’s not even all about the climate though; it is human greed and cruelty that will kill the most: the haves butchering and purging the have-nots.

    You are not a “have”.

    For all intents and purposes, NONE of us who would actually be here, on Lemmy, in this comment thread, able to be reading this, are a “have”.

    Unless your personal assistant’s butler’s niece’s boyfriend is sharing this with you, you’re probably just as fucked as he, she, and they are.