Over the past three weeks, Ukraine has wreaked havoc with Russia’s energy infrastructure. Soon after the new year, someone attached explosives to train carriages in the Urals city of Nizhny Tagil. A blast took place next to facilities owned by Gazprom Neft, the country’s third biggest oil producer. Next, a kamikaze drone crashed into an oil depot in the Oryol region.
On 18 January, another oil terminal, in St Petersburg – Vladimir Putin’s home city – came under attack. It was the first time since the invasion in February 2022 that unmanned aerial vehicles had reached the Leningrad region.
There was more to come. A large-scale fire broke out at an oil depot in the town of Klintsy, not far from Belarus and Ukraine.
Strategic bombing was a game changer in WW2.
I’m not saying this by any means as good thing: I think we’re watching the refinement of the new face of war in the era of dirt-cheap drones. With every passing year more and more it’s that nowhere is safe.
It’s almost like wars are huge lose-lose clusterfucks that no half-sensible leader would ever start… Moreso now than ever before.
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They are “winning” in many ways. That doesn’t mean war is magically glamourous…
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So, successfully stopping a massive assault isn’t a win? Making invaders grind to a halt and lose MULTIPLE TIMES more soldiers isn’t a win? Destroying a significant part of a “world power”'s navy when they don’t have one isn’t a win?
Not saying there’s no propaganda, but you are simply beyond stupid if you think there are no wins to point at…
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Tankies and nazis need to know why it’s correct to punch them in the face. At least so those around them know it’s justified.