It might be wise to stop hyping how wonderful the economy is for working people who know one thing better than any so-called expert: the economic strain they and their families feel each day.

    9 months ago

    I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing the intensity of the owner class currently trying to beat us over the head attempting to normalize this level of desperation as the new best case scenario for the peasants.

    “you just don’t understand, We the owners are supposed to be making record private profits while You struggle for food and shelter. That means the system is working perfectly. If you don’t agree, the economists on our payroll, and the payrolls of for private profit news conglomerates, want you to know that you just don’t understand economics!”

    What we understand is that Wall Street captured our government, and we understand that most modern economists demanding we love this economy are the paid by the owners to say what benefits the owners, and are practically the priesthood for advocating maintaining our current modern rigged market capitalism.

    Homelessness is a growing epidemic. So is food insecurity. In the “richest nation on Earth.” An economist that can either ignore that or spin that as somehow not the point is akin to an economic flat earther. Of course they only see “the economy” through the lens of the economic class that pays them.

    Reminder: An economy is supposed to be a lowly tool of a society to maximize the efficient and equitable distribution of goods and services for the benefit of said society. Our society subsists in service to recklessly growing/metastasizing our economy. The tail has been wagging the dog since at least Reagan, it’s perverse, and it’s poisoned any pro-social cultural values we once had to their core.

      9 months ago

      Government and the rich: “Who are you going to believe? Us or your lying eyes skyrocketing prices, climbing bills and empty wallet?

        9 months ago

        There is an old Hungarian satirical movie that had this great quote:

        Are you hung up on these things, comrade Pelikán? What you see with your blind eyes, what you hear with your deaf ears, what you think with your dull mind? Do you think any of these can measure up to the truth of our great goals?

        It was a 1984-esque parody of the authoritarian socialist system, and somehow it’s still apt. The more things change the more they stay the same I guess.