“Beryl isn’t ‘unbelievable,’” one expert said. “it’s what happens when you heat up the planet with fossil fuel pollution for decades.”
What do ya’ll think, Cat 6 in the Gulf of Mexico later this year, next year, or 2 years out?
For context, yes Cat 6 is not yet a real thing but it has been proposed as basically 192+ mph winds.
Definitely not this year, because the definitions people will still be working through the stages of grief.
192+ mph is a good possibility, though.
I want to say next year, but everything predicted is happening faster than expected. A Cat 5 this early in the season does not bode well.
A cat 5 right now could mean a cat 6 when we hit peak season. Hopefully we don’t see it but we could lose some southern towns.
I’m pretty sure Hurricane Patricia was cat 6 when it was in the pacific of the west coast of Mexico back in like 2015