Oh yeah, I know someone who named her kid Khaleesi. Oh dear.
But let’s be honest if you’re going to call your kid Khaleesi that kid was always going to grow to be a stripper. Poor kid. She is going to be in high school before she learns how to lean to spell it.
Just to be nit picky: Khaleesi was a title, like queen or chieftess. The character was named Daenerys Targaryen. So they would technically have not named their child after a character.
Daenerys met several former khaleesi’s when she was brought before the Doth Khaleen. While at this point, their husbands had been killed and they had given up the title of Khaleesi and adopted the new title of Khaleen, they were at one point each a khaleesi.
The only one I can remember by name is, Ornela, the one that befriended Daenerys.
Oh yeah, I know someone who named her kid Khaleesi. Oh dear.
But let’s be honest if you’re going to call your kid Khaleesi that kid was always going to grow to be a stripper. Poor kid. She is going to be in high school before she learns how to lean to spell it.
Just to be nit picky: Khaleesi was a title, like queen or chieftess. The character was named Daenerys Targaryen. So they would technically have not named their child after a character.
Its like calling your son King then.
Or having Lord as a name - which actually used to be somewhat popular in the US.
Tbf, a kid named “queen” sounds even more likely to become a stripper
But no one is going to see it like that, are they? They’re going to think about poorly written psycho dragon queen
Name one other Khaleesi.
< puts on geek hat and glasses >
Daenerys met several former khaleesi’s when she was brought before the Doth Khaleen. While at this point, their husbands had been killed and they had given up the title of Khaleesi and adopted the new title of Khaleen, they were at one point each a khaleesi.
The only one I can remember by name is, Ornela, the one that befriended Daenerys.
< removes geek hat and glasses >
Ha, I have a strategy for this case: