The diagram centrists don’t want you to see

Centrism frames the debate about capitalism as one of consent vs. coercion and argue that capitalism is fine because workers consent in the legal sense to the labor contract. Democratic theory recognizes a distinction among voluntary contracts i.e. consent to alienate vs. consent to delegate. A centrist can’t appeal to this distinction because capitalism and political democracy are on opposite sides


  • J Lou@mastodon.socialOP
    7 months ago

    You called centrists framing the debate about capitalism as one of consent vs. coercion a strawman then accepted the framing. Democratic theory requires consent. It just also requires consent to delegate ruling out consent to alienate management/governenance rights justified by inalienable rights.

    Stable employee-owned firms:

    A country that lets people sell voting rights wouldn’t be democratic for long. Does democracy not work? Is it undesirable?
