Finished the main campaign of Borderlands 3 still going to keep playing it, as there’s lots of side-content left. And unless I get bored of it soon enough, would try to aim for the Platinum.

Reached Episode 3 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. I think there are 5 or 6 episodes, so still quite a bit left.

Episode 2

That von Korma is… something.

Still on Chapter 1 of Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter. Playing it slowly, will probably take a while to finish, but it’s pretty interesting. Enjoying the characters and the gameplay.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

    7 months ago

    I’m in the final dungeon of Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door and I will probably beat it this weekend, after a quick backtrack to the bottom of the Pit of Trials. Gloomtail was almost a problem, but I had just enough defense badges to survive his best attack with 1HP. I’m a little worried about Bonetail now. I’ve done a 10HP run on the Gamecube and beaten him first try a long time ago, but I forgot exactly how I did that.

    I’m also about 75% done with my mystery game that I’m not going to name until it’s done. Right now, I’m rather disappointed with it.

    Making steady progress in Wild Arms, too. Recently got access to the ship to explore the first part of the sea. I may have fallen victim to nostalgia; I still think it’s a good game, but I remember it being better. Maybe I remember the later parts more.

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      7 months ago

      Hey, you are back!

      Good luck with your 10HP run. And can’t wait to find out about the mystery game.

      Nostalgia does that to us. Though some games stand the test of time much better than others.