Ok. So a lot of us on this platform aren’t happy with what happened. No one was really happy with the Democrats’ “win the moderate right” strategy. Bernie pointed out that the working class were ignored. We need a third party. Might take a generation to get it going, but it’s needed.

So what’s the first step? How do we organize? Should we pick a name? A platform? Set up some party bylaws? Recruit candidates?

  • unmagical@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Probably with running a bunch of independents at the local level. You can’t do what the Greens tried and drag out an asset for the top position every four years with nothing else to show. Start small and get people used to the idea that it’s okay for someone outside of the main parties to hold office. Build results then form a party from the independents once you’ve had some successful incumbents.