If you don’t mind me asking, how did you take it? I’ve tried taking similar photos a few times, but I’m getting too many reflections, even with a polarising filter.
You’ll need a dedicated macro lens to achieve true macros. This isn’t a true macro, but the fusion camera on the new iPhones is a great tool. I am pleased with the results I’ve been seeing from it.
If you don’t mind me asking, how did you take it? I’ve tried taking similar photos a few times, but I’m getting too many reflections, even with a polarising filter.
This was taken with an iPhone 16 Pro Max using the default camera, and edited with the default photos app. The macro mode on this phone is impressive.
Oh, wow! I’m genuinely impressed by that. I’ve been trying to do it with a ‘proper’ camera and failing miserably.
I’m just going to sit here and be jealous for a while 😆
You’ll need a dedicated macro lens to achieve true macros. This isn’t a true macro, but the fusion camera on the new iPhones is a great tool. I am pleased with the results I’ve been seeing from it.
I’d love to see a second photo showing how this photo was taken. I bet it was a bit awkward.