Oolitic also has a statue to no longer famous comic strip character Joe Palooka. They’re very proud of it.

I come from Bloomington, which is just north of Oolitic. It’s well-known where the limestone from the Empire State Building came from if you live there, but I never saw the actual quarry before.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    It looks like they carved out the building from the ground and lifted it all in once massive piece

    Joe Palooka

    I looked up that comic and found it very familiar … I’ve seen those before but I can’t place it. I’m thinking it was bubble gum wrappers or candy wrappers or something. But I’ve definitely seen those comics before in some small format in candy, popcorn, cereal or something. I’m up in Canada in Ontario and this was all in the 80s. I know the comic is old but I remember seeing this comic when I was a kid somewhere.