It’s Saturday again! I keep missing Friday…

Still playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed.

XC 3 is one of my favourite games, and it’s so great to be back in that world. One thing I didn’t realise was the timeline where the game takes place.

About 20 hours in, and story-vise I think I should be getting to the end, but it can still end up taking 10-20 hours.

Started Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS. I played the remake Tomb Raider on PS3, but since I skipped on PS4, didn’t get to play the sequels, now finally gotten around to playing it.

I am really surprised at how well the game plays. The game doesn’t feel aged at all, general game play, combat, puzzles, everything. Of course, it’s possible that it’s just me, cause I mostly play older games, but I have also played some latest games in between, like Spider-man 2, so it’s not like I don’t know how newer games are.

I am not very far into it, as spending most of my time with XC3: Future Redeemed, but I am loving everything I have played so far.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

    1 month ago

    Slow week for gaming.

    It’s my first week of vacations but I’ve been really stressed/anxious recently and I find it very hard to “wind down” quickly to be able to do longer playing sessions. Hopefully I’ll be more relaxed next week to put energy the two games below and try to finish at least Fantasian before Trails through Daybreak 2 releases.

    Replaying Tales of Graces f Remastered!

    Good progress here, finished the desert section and arrived at the Arena.

    Playing Fantasian Neo Dimension!

    Very minor progress on this one, but there’s news worth commenting. Last week I mentioned some control annoyances and long loading times, and there was a patch this week addressing both.

    Control issues were fixed, and while it’s not listed in the patch notes the battle loading times are down 35-40% from my estimates. This will definitely make it more enjoyable when I resume playing this one properly.

        1 month ago

        Oooh, vacations! How many do you have?

        30 days/year, and I’m taking all of them at once. Since I take a long time to unwind I always need a long stretch of vacations to recover properly.