I wish they’d have shown the other photos, because the one example they show looks, to me, like someone took a picture, downwards, at a rock in a still pond reflecting the sky and a jet. Like, if you were standing on a road, looking down a slope with a fence running along the edge of a pond, in which a pointy rock is sticking out.
I’ve seen too many photos of street puddles so still that it’s hard to tell what’s reflection and what’s not.
TA says there was a series of photos, any of which might clear up the reflection question.
100% agreed. That is what I see, you can clearly see the line of the reflection of the rock. It is slightly darker due to Fresnel effect. The imperfection is most likely due to ripples of the water surface. The rest of the image also totally consistent with a picture of a lake or a pond beyond a fence.
This is just silly.
Now that I look again, I can’t tell of that’s a jet or a leaf floating on the water.
TA says there were a series of photos, and the jet circled, so I assume it’s a reflection or something, but… yeah, if they had a series of pics, this must be one of the worst, least convincing ones they could have picked for the article.
I think it is the best they, and that is why they did not show the others. Probably quite easily debunked based on multiple photos.
The other photo they didn’t show:
Really? Or did you add the ripples? I can’t tell if you’re joking. You just be.
Yeah that is photoshopped .
It looks more realistic than the original.
Looks like it’s just a picture of something sitting in relatively still water that’s just been flipped upside down.
So, thing is, photos don’t prove anything about the relative movement of the aircraft, and people are notoriously bad about judging such things from the ground.
Now let’s apply Occam’s razor, it’s 1990, what secret diamond shaped objects might have been flying along side a RAF harrier? Perhaps, say, an F-117 night hawk from the USAF doing joint training? A highly secretive aircraft that only flew its first combat sortie in 1989 and wouldn’t be widely publicized till the 1991 gulf war. An aircraft that likely would have been flying along side the RAF in the case of a hot war with the Soviet Union, and thus would have had reasons to have joint exercises with a harrier.