So straight out the gate: I don’t ever really flirt (yes, even if I like the girl). And I’m not sure whether I should change strategies. So hence my question.

Note: I am a guy.

Edit: Thank you all for your input. I have come to the realisation I need to let the other party (better) know I am romantically interested in them. Either by means of flirtation or otherwise.

    22 days ago

    I am not a great active flirter, but I do know that my words and body language will do the heavy lifting, unconsciously.

    This is actually quite interesting, because it’s not always something you can really control on especially if you’re unaware of it. My wife noticed it and mentioned, because she saw me “flirting” with someone else and I legitimate didn’t have any romantic interests or flirting in mind there.

    Of course you could say it was over jealousy from her part but also I kind of learned that to respect her I need to be more careful to not leave wrong impression