• solrize@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    Concrete technical answer (one of many): imagine you have a list (“array”) of 5 numbers, and you try to print the 10th number in the array. A secure language will say “error! it’s a list of 5 numbers, there is no 10th one!!”. C will instead print some random garbage (whatever happens to be in the part of memory following the 5 element list), or maybe do something even crazier (try searching “nasal demon”), without indicating that anything has gone wrong. There are many other issues like this with C. You end up with programs going completely into the weeds, turning control over to attackers, etc.

    Abstract philosophical answer: Secure languages like Ada and (hopefully) Rust are designed to help you ensure the absence of unwanted behaviours, rather than just the presence of wanted ones. If you want behaviour X, the goal of old languages like C was to make sure you could write a program in which X was present. That was a big enough challenge in the old days that language designers stopped once they reached that point. If you don’t want behaviour Y (let’s say Y is a security attack), it’s up to you to just write the program without behaviour Y. 50+ years of experience have shown that to be inhumanly difficult once the program gets complicated, so you really do need help from the language. Accountants invented double-entry bookkeeping 700 years ago for similar sorts of reasons: to keep small errors in complicated systems from sending the system into a nose dive.

    Ensuring the absence of behaviours is the classic problem of proving a negative, so there are limits on how thorough the checking can be, and the technical features (like the notorious Rust borrow checker) can be difficult to use. But if you’re willing to endure a certain amount of pain and runtime inefficiency (requiring the program to do a little extra work at each operation to make sure the result makes sense, like the example of the 10th element of the 5-element list), you can make programs much safer than you can in C.

    Does that help?

    Added: Rust is getting some flak because it is pretty new, is still a work in progress, has various unmet goals, etc. It’s not fully baked yet but it is getting there (I’m studying it right now). Ada is an older language that is way more mature than Rust, but is more of a pain to use in many ways, so Rust is currently getting more attention.