Finished Metroid Prime: Remastered!

Shared my issues in last week’s thread, nothing else to add here except I hated those Fission Metroids, most annoying enemies in the game.

Waiting for Prime 2 remastered now. Would probably get day-1.

Started Pankapu, a colourful and shiny 2D platformer. Have only played a little bit, but seems fun.

Finished Rise of the Tomb Raider.

It was a really good game. I am surprised that it’s about 10 years old now. Next is Shadow of the Tomb Raider, will probably play it later this year. I have heard Rise is the best of the trilogy, so going to adjust my expectations accordingly, but still looking forward to it.

Also played and finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It was a pretty short campaign, probably around 6-7 hours. I had heard great things about the campaign, but I thought it was just okay. Good, but not the best campaign ever. Though, to be fair, this is a game from 2007, and I haven’t played many FPS games recently, so I am not sure what the benchmark is.

I liked the missions and the gameplay, and thought it was over pretty quick. I have also Modern Warfare 2 remastered, so will give it a try soon-ish.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

    15 days ago

    Thank you for taking the time! I have subscribed to your community as an observer (for now) :)

    I remember seeing Yakuza games on Xbox Direct and I have not understood what I saw at all. That was a while ago. It’s time I reconsider.

    I will most likely go with FF6 after Bravely. I will also pick up some of these recommendations, I want to try different types of games before committing to a series / type for a while :)