This has always been a flag that symbolizes, “I yearn to tread on others”
Wasn’t the Gadsden flag anti-colonialist originally? Or is there a deeper history here I’m unaware of, like that it was only championed by wealthy slave-owners?
I assume you’re not referring to the fact that systemic oppression coexisted (which included slavery and genocide) since by that measure no liberationist symbol in history would survive.
Why does it look like that snake is having an orgasm?
Lol “please please tread on me”
No, actually just don’t tread on me. Don’t tarnish the message of this flag (and neither should the people you’re targeting tbh)
The message of the flag has been changed by the years of assholes flying it while happily trampling on others.
The meme is accurate as to its current standing.
Then you need to be louder than the people currently using it.
Symbols are only as good as their most known use. And this flag is now known to be flown by thin blue line boot lickers.
Same. The idea that one doesn’t want to be trampled on is pretty common. Odd one would want to downplay such a message.
And yet the ones that actually put this on the bumper of their trucks have completely ruined the original message. Really sad honestly. Don’t tread on me… unless you’re trans, an immigrant or anyone else whose existence doesn’t affect me but is convenient to blame for all my problems.