debian 12.9 with ffmpeg.

The mkv file is 68 minutes long, I want to get rid of minutes 05:50 to 11:00 and 58:00 to 68:00. I want the resulting parts (00:00 to 05:00 and 11:00 to 58:00) bind together as a single mkv file.

the ffmpeg command I’ve always used for similar but easier purposes:

ffmpeg -i "E01 - Part One [x265].mkv" -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:07:28 -c copy output.mkv

can I do this with ffmpeg or do I have to bind the 2 resulting files with mkvtoolnix?

ETA: would it be a better idea to use ffmpeg installed from flatpak instead of debian’s default sources? I don’t know if ffmpeg is updated regularly

    14 days ago

    There was a discussion about “ghost communities” a few days ago:

    People are quick to create communities but they sit unused, attract few posts and fewer subscribers. Often the mods move on so even if new posts were to appear they’d be unmoderated.

    The simple reason for that is there isn’t enough demand. Lemmy is still small it’s too early to be spinning out ever more narrowed niche communities. If you think content belongs elsewhere then report it to the mods and let them decide. If they see a surge in unwanted Q&A topics then they can amend posting guidelines to direct people elsewhere or to a Q&A thread or something.

      14 days ago

      Sure, I get that. The simpler remedy here would just be to ban ultra-niche support questions. Look at the title of this community then look at the title of this topic and ask yourself: were you interested in it? I wasn’t.