The posts are funny, but I’d say that we should grift the right so that they get off big tech platforms and get into the fediverse.

      13 days ago

      I ask you how, and you answer with nothing. I’m honestly curious but you answer with, “cause I feel good.”

      What is it that makes you feel good about what he’s doing?

      How have things gotten better, and how is it that he made that happen? Do you care enough to ask yourself?

          12 days ago

          Dude my emotional state is irrelevant to how I feel about what’s going on in the world. You provide nothing of substance, just that your mood is better and the moods of people around you are better? You have 0 answer to why, you like fucking bullshit and you can’t even explain what it is that you like. Youll keep voting with your feelings, and you’ll keep coming together with your community in hating everybody outside. I honestly feel sorry for you, but you’re bringing everyone down with you in your ignorance.

          It’s a beautiful world, but people are suffering. Enjoy your experience, take no responsibility for society as a whole. Look out for the people immediately around you, nobody else matters. Except you’re going down too, with these choices you make. Keep feeling good as your children become resources for these billionaires to exploit and kill off.

          I’m happy outside of this conversation too, I just have no respect for you and am trying to figure out why the fuck you and others like you vote for hitler’s more retarded second coming. Even the antichrist is said to wear the mark upon their forehead, do you wear that MAGA cap? And you don’t want to answer. I’ve looked at so much MAGA media, it is utter bullshit and yet people believe just because it’s one fucking dude vs this fucked up establishment that’s continued to get more fucked up over time. But the answer is NOT this corrupt guy who looks at you knowing he could rape your daughter or sister or mother and you’d still vote for him.

          I ask one last time, what is it about him that you like? What has he done for you? What do you expect from him? Angry people that care about humanity as a whole being mad for you to laugh at? What is it you want?

 ^ proof of what’s going to start happening by the end of this year through project 2025.