Back when I did a lot of Perl, those were okay-ish to parse. Nowadays, not so much. I guess it’s like Bash. If you write a lot of it (maybe some people do), it’s probably simple. If it’s only once every six months or less, eeehhh…
It all boils down to familiarity, which comes from repetitiveness.
Maybe applies more to regex, the write only language.
The copy paste language. AI writes better regex than I do
and you won’t get better if you use ai for it
Meh I rarely use it. Even if I don’t use AI I wouldn’t get better at it, since I will forget everything the next time I will use it.
Back when I did a lot of Perl, those were okay-ish to parse. Nowadays, not so much. I guess it’s like Bash. If you write a lot of it (maybe some people do), it’s probably simple. If it’s only once every six months or less, eeehhh…
It all boils down to familiarity, which comes from repetitiveness.