Would be a convenient way to have postal votes go astray next election (if there even is one).
I’m glad to see our Letter Carriers getting involved. They do so much good work and they already work harder than they need to because of outdated equipment, not enough staff, and DeJoy literally ripping out equipment and shutting down sites for the last 8 fucking years.
The destruction of the postal service cannot stand. There are literally numerous things in my life I still have to mail in a check for, and suddenly that becomes prohibitively expensive and difficult to ensure timely delivery once it is privatized.
We already have accurate USPS mail tracking. We have overnight delivery and other speedy delivery options. I already can get an email showing me mail that is arriving soon to my mailbox. We already have friendly mail carriers who know your house and know where to drop off letters and parcels, and often have notes about the best place for parcels for fellow carriers when they take a day off or retire.
Privatizing mail is just going to result in deeply reduced service and access in rural areas (where most Trump voters are) while increasing costs in all areas and slowing the delivery and accuracy of delivery of mail in populated areas. Also, there’s questions about, since it’s no longer under Federal control, if laws about opening other people’s mail will stop being enforced, and suddenly it’s a free-for-all in identity theft and just general theft of mail.
This gets me because I was filling out a survey for my local library and I said they are the most important institution after city hall and the post office.
Imagine if they privatize the postal service and repeal section 230. We’ll be hard pressed to organize and communicate.
This is one I’m surprised had taken the Reich this long to get to, he started in 2016 with DeJoy.