Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
Born and raised in a Reform Jewish household, Zuckerberg later identified himself as an atheist. However, he said in 2016 that, “I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.”
The reptilian conspiracy theory alleges that shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth.
Belief in reptilians sometimes references anti-Semitic texts. For example, the perpetrator of the 2020 Nashville bombing was influenced by the writings of David Icke, who in turn referenced 1903 anti-Semitic fabricated text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Most stuff like that is usually part of an MDM suite (mobile device management) and is centrally managed. If, for example, your institution is using Active Directory to manage devices, they’ll likely seek out a service that ties directly into AD.
There’s not really a way to get out from under this control since it’s remotely managed and removing the management would also disconnect the machine from whatever remote network it’s tied to (schools, employers).
Shitty partners get advertised whole different stuff… With a partner the best decision is to start the relationship with respect for each others passwords and privacy, not snooping in each others phones, and ending the same way, not snooping on each other. If they can’t physically access it without “hacking” past your secure password/PIN, then they can’t really install stuff like that. I know people feel weird about this because they’ve been cheated on by partners, so pro-tip: find better partners.
Oh yeah, there’s no doubt about that. It was over two years ago that economists were already crowing about how soon people would be running out of their “pandemic savings” and would have to buckle under pressure again. They never hide this stuff, if you pay attention to the right people, they’re right out there being super honest about what they’re doing and what they want.
They want to starve the citizens out, which is crazy when you consider the old statement “No society is more than three meals away from revolution.” They’d rather risk pushing us to revolution by turning the screws rather than give up any amount of power, control, or wealth.
As far back as 2021 they were talking about people running out of “pandemic savings.”
Anything to reduce salaries.
“Nope, we’re making less money than ever, more cuts are coming.”
It certainly feels like every business in the USA is on team “make weird business decisions and excuses as a way to shaft worker pay and rights.”
I did it all with a Pi powered magicmirror2 which I prefer since it’s my bathroom mirror anyway.
Drink Verification Can.
also XMPP and Matrix/Element.
Also your choices should be impacted by your threat model. Not everyone needs to lock up like they’re James Bond.
You’re telling me the messaging serving with a roll-your-own encryption that hasn’t been audited and doesn’t enable end-to-end-encryption by default, instead requiring you to initiate 1-to-1 “secret chats” isn’t secure or trustworthy?? Holy balls!
Oh no, Fenton.
I read the whole thing and while it’s troubling, it also lines up with what I’ve believed to be true about the police for a long time.
The more troubling stuff is honestly the people outside of law enforcement involved. This stood out, for example.
But there was also an Ohio OB-GYN on the national board of directors — he used to work for the Cleveland Clinic, I discovered, and now led a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group. The doctor was joined at board meetings by a city prosecutor in Utah, an ex-city council member and, Williams was later told, a sergeant with an Illinois sheriff’s department. (The doctor did not respond to requests for comment. He has since left his post with the UnitedHealth subsidiary, a spokesperson for the company said.)
Also, personal opinion, I think this is part of why Trump wants to disband the FBI. I think he knows the police are in his pocket and that he just wants to give the investigatory powers of the FBI over to local police to they can harass, violently abuse, and imprison the populace with impunity. (Not that they don’t already, but even worse than it currently is)
This is why “defunding the police” mattered even though nobody liked hearing it. They’ve been the US’s best armed and best funded street gang for decades. We’re really entering mafioso territory here, where you’ll have local cops asking for protection money “Real shame if something happened to this land” style.
The rot is deep. Leftists need to be organizing, but not for violence, rather for taking care of one another in response to the violence we all may soon be subjected to. Do not organize in cleartext channels, always use open source well-audited encrypted platforms such as XMPP, Matrix/Element, Wire, SimpleX, or Signal.
If we ever disbanded the police, we would need a new force of some type fully prepared to police the old police, who will not let go of their power over the populace willingly. If they even get a whiff of losing their jobs for being authoritarian shitbags, they will clear out every precinct of weaponry, armor, and other gear and immediately become an occupying force terrorizing our populace. The police themselves are, ironically, the biggest reason we would need police after disbanding the police because they’re already addicted to a self-narrative of being “the real victims” and treating the US populace as the enemy.
I almost forgot a really important part of the story!
But Williams wants to let his former comrades know “a f****t is doing this to them.” He thinks his story could be his most effective weapon.
I do think it’s beautifully emasculating that they were so easily tricked by a gay man, and I do hope it drives them up the fucking walls.
AC really died with Desmond
Ouch, right in the nostalgia.
I’ll never forget the Kagi CEO tracking down a random blogger so he could “explain to her how she was wrong about Kagi” and harassed her for a phone conversation, and when she politely declined several times over, he just said fuck it and sent his arguments as a follow-up email because like hell was he going to take no for an answer.
I don’t trust any company from some psycho abusive asshole who thinks he needs to do that kind of shit to prove his product. Half stalking half harassment for someone merely expressing their opinion. Why would I trust any product from someone who clearly doesn’t understand or doesn’t care about ideas like consent. If he wants you to hear his opinion, he doesn’t care if you don’t consent to it, you owe him listening to his loud stupid voice saying loud stupid things, I guess, in his view. Sounds like another Elon Musk, to me.
So, in short, fuck Kagi.
What’s your living situation? You mentioned not necessarily having the room for a drumkit. Similarly, do you really have a need for a pressure washer? Do you live on a large property in an area in which the climate necessitates regular pressure washing? Do you have the knowledge and tools to commit to regular maintenance of either the drumkit or the pressure washer? I don’t mean like fully disassemble style maintenance, but whatever is suggested in the owner’s manual.
I don’t think that it’s that you can’t comment at all, it’s almost rather that you can only comment.
Plebbit only hosts text. Images from google and other sites can be linked/embedded in posts. This fixes the issue of hosting any nefarious content.
You can link to other things and embed them in a text post using code, but there is no ability to upload anything, so the content really is all just text (since links are created using text commands).
No matter what choice you make, Lemmy or Plebbit or something else, it’s clear that decentralized/federated services are the real future. The return of the torrent swarms but forum swarms instead.
At some point something clicked with everyone, and they realized “the cloud” is someone else’s computer, someone else’s property. We all collectively realized you never feel truly free when you’re on someone else’s property, you’re always playing by their rules. At least with decentralization the levels of control are distributed so you have less of one person wresting control from anyone else.
It’s a bit like growing your own garden. You do it because you know what you’re putting into your garden and getting out of it. If you choose to use pesticides, that’s your choice, and no one else’s. When you choose how to run your own self-hosted services, it becomes your choice what comes and goes from your network.
I’m glad to be part of the self-hosting future here.
Because the wealthy need to remind us how much free time they really have because they don’t actually fucking work or contribute anything at all of value to the world.
The first thing I wanted to comment was “Was this written by Elon Musk’s ghostwritergamer?”
Real answer: Because the games industry is bigger than the film industry, in terms of total valuation.
Gender is not a boolean value, it’s a variable.