- to do things the way i feel is correct and complete
- to do things the way management wants
This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. you are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.
iintrovert who learns to overcome their shyness
I tend to distinguish between the two.
Shy: someone who fears social interactions.
Introvert: someone who doesn’t need (as much) social interactions, but doesn’t fear them.
Edit after reading all that: i like computers in general and to program, been doing it since high-school. I just like it, maybe it’s the puzzle solving or that warm fuzzy feeling of finally solving a bug (and closing 3214 tabs in the browser). It’s also fun to see your software in use in real life by the “common people” (i work with POS software) and being able to point and say I did that. (without actually doing so for fear of stoning).
As for the social aspect: there is good software, you’re on lemmy, checkout other fediverse networks like mastodon or pixelfed, they’re all way friendlier than commercial socia… i’ll stop the pitch, i assume you know this by now. Most FOSS software tends to be “good” as well.
As for everything else i’m not a therapist and don’t know you so i won’t even try.
For yet another account i use a password manager and an email address i only use for crap. It’s a one time process.
If that’s too much for you then perhaps you’re not that interested in contributing to <project>?
I don’t get why devs refuse to work on things outside github.
Herd mentality, it affects devs too.
That’s M$ doing their EEE-dance as usual. Actions is pretty egregious, my company’s decided that All must be in the cloud™, even CI/CD, so Actions it is… Soon enough, bit by bit, a lot will depend on GitHub’s functionality and there you have it, full circle, it’ll be a pain to move elsewhere. Or do you still think all GitHub is is a git front-end?
That’s BS, if the software’s good people (i.e. devs) will find the source, unless all they do is spent their day on the github website.
Most fine software i find is through social media and websites, i then proceed to checkout the code.
If being over 30 is “not modern”, OK, sure, but that’s a bit subjective.
The fuctionality is hardly comparable, cURL supports many protocols. As for memory safety it’s trendy and modern but it hardly makes sense to rewrite such a project in a memory-safe language. It’s been tried though (for some components) and the project lead’s open to that.
Wow… it’s pretty awesome! Thanks.
What’s not modern about curl?
Just about everything built in the last 15 years has already got the fix
You mean regular PCs? Sure…
Less COTS stuff? Not necessarily.
The results of this research have been applied to SQLite already and were released in v3.38.0.
tl;dr: Bloom filters were great because: minimal memory overhead, goes well with SQLite’s simple implementation, and worked within existing query engine.
Can remote non-citizens apply? Asking for a friend.
Just remember the Voyager spacecraft are still out there… and being maintained.
Still on my to-learn list.
Good tip for Pascal.
What kind of game?
Oh yeah, the foundation for docker and vagrant.
Maybe icinga?