They see like this all the time.
“They will never forgive us for it”
Fascists gonna fash
I sure am sad not having to drive 4 hours a day for a job that requires no direct contact with a bunch of assholes I would rather not have to be around regularly.
There is a guy on YouTube called the cheese man or something who tries out cheese making recipes. He would try to replicate some types of cheeses himself when there wasn’t a lot of information out there about them. There was one kind, can’t remember the name of it, but he made it and some company from EU had him take down the video for copyright shit. Like these people have teams just scouring the internet for any reference to their cheese to be ready to sue if anyone dares to make a cheese similar to theirs. lol. I’m sure this dudes 2 small rounds of cheese and his few “curd nerd” followers was a massive danger to their monopolization of some obscure cheese 90% of people have never heard of or will ever eat.
Only the end of capitalism through socialism will war ever not be the primary focus of the ruling class.
I shit you not I saw one that was like “money troubles? Sell some of your stuff.” I’ll have to look through my files and find the exact post. lol
Remember kids, when you are punishing the capitalist for their crimes, there is nothing you can do to them that would ever be unjust when compared to the evils they have committed against humanity.
… I just realized how badly I want to be a baker. lol…And a cook. I just want to feed the shit out of people. Not like a chef at some restaurant, cooking meals while cussing and scrambling to make 10 different meals in 30 minutes kind of BS. I want to just relax and make a fuck load of food all day long and feed ppl as they come by. I want knead dough and make breads and soup and casseroles and meatloaf and big pots of baked beans and loaded baked potatoes and everything else. I want to be a babushka. lol
So the unions have until October to start stringing up these executives is what I hear.
I think it’s a joke based on the quality of beer mass produced in the US usually being referred to as horse piss, piss water, etc. Being weak and flavorless etc. Having drank my fair share of US mainstream beers I would have to agree.
It’s like when all the chuds loved the Colbert Report because they thought he was super republican. Took a while before they realized it was satire.
Uh correction, honey comes from the bees behind.
What’s with the /s? Do you not enjoy dysentery?
Imo, you ban it as a business. No establishments dedicated to it. Any places that allow a form of it aren’t allowed to receive anything from it. Having any sort of “house” fees that keep a portion of the “winnings” be illegal. This would take care of the most predatory types of gambling. If however some people get together and bet on a game or something, I mean, not a lot you can or should do about that. Let people have their fun but stop those that would take advantage of it.
I have a friend who bought a used SUV and 3 weeks in the engine was spewing oil into the spark plugs because the piston walls were cracked. Luckily he was inside the warranty on the engine and the dealership was on the hook. Instead of trading him for a different vehicle they keep changing out engines while paying for his rental car. They are now installing the FOURTH engine into the vehicle as the others all died immediately. Lmao. Instead of just cutting their loss and trading for a new vehicle they have now burnt more money on engines and time working on this thing. Lmao. Capitalism is dumb as shit.
I’m pretty sure it would actually be less insulting to just give them nothing. Like they have to be doing this on purpose at this point yeah? They really truly are just sick monsters that get off on being bastards to people.