That’s a good point. It’s not like we’re lacking attractive people on the internet.
Dusty old bones, full of green dust.
That’s a good point. It’s not like we’re lacking attractive people on the internet.
If I knew I was going to make some money? Sure. But I hear it’s super difficult since so many people do the same. But if you think you have a gimmick, or are super attractive, you could make a but of change.
I was curious on that too. I think just saying they’re more stressed feeds into the “You little ladies don’t really like working, makes that brain hurt” rhetoric.
I guess the idea that some people are fat for reasons outside of their control? When it comes to fat people, people don’t like to hear “excuses,” regardless if it’s “I don’t have enough time to work out” or “my body is unable to do xyz effeciently and causes weight gain.” Fat is seen as a character flaw. And because for a lot of people, it is a simple “calorie in vs calorie out,” the idea of it not working for someone is seen as a failure of character. So this “belief” is making it easier for… Fat people to be fat I guess.
Weird that this didn’t trigger concerns of anorexics latching onto this study validating their belief that they can’t eat/eat certain foods because their body absorbs more than others. But, like they say, you can never be too rich or too thin. 👍🏾
It looks like a group photo with friends and not a family photo since they all look around the same age. A family tree of complete Chads.
I feel bad saying this, but I already assumed as much. Whenever stuff like this happens, assault becomes a pastime for them. It’s disgusting, but not surprising.
Honestly, no.
Not that I’m saying it’s okay to just murder folks, but, with the amount of people the people of his class have killed (either via policies or just the general fucked up shit they do), it seems hypocritical. This man was making 10mil a year killing his customers to fatten his pockets. More money than he could ever spend and still wanted more, like all of them do. People have been killed for less, by police, with them only getting paid leave, so why should I be up in arms now when they called me a terrorist for protesting, when they said “my kind” are damaging the country. People have tried to be reasonable for far too long imo, but the oligarchs just tell us to wait for the trickle down.
They can wait for my fucks to trickle down 🤷🏿♀️
I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but when are you supposed to do that? Is it, like, when that song comes on, you plan to incorporate it at the right time, or just whenever you want?
So he wanted forced hysterectomies, ban women over 30 from getting married, and restrict women’s access to education so they could focus on babies. I love that all of this pressure is on women like it’s just them being stubborn and not a reaction to the society they’re trying to survive in. It also alludes that men are otherwise thriving, with no other issues than women’s lack of interest causing their disinterest. Men aren’t looking to have kids either. And I don’t think forcing them to limit their own dating pool and knowing that they’ll have to fully support a pregnant, uneducated wife and possibly multiple children is going to make anyone rock hard. Japanese people are already worked to death, and everything is sp competitive. Maybe deal with that before wtf that plan was???
Makes things easier for both parties when medical issues arise, even more so for parents. And I genuinely believe that a lot of women don’t know it’s an option.
I actually didn’t change my name when my mom married my dad, so you can really just say “no.” i was in middle school when I decided that, but whenever my dad tried to do anything, he had to jump through hoops. 🤷🏿♀️
Remote claim work. Glorified customer service. It is busy and people burn out in a few months.
Wanna work in insurance?
Yes, I was terrified, but I was also having a mental breakdown. I called my mom sobbing and she was actually the one who told me to quit. I was lucky that she was around because I leaned on her for about two months.
If you can, look for a job, even if it’s gig work, before quitting. I know it sucks, but finding a job will be your new activity. In the mean time, switch to the bare minimum. Take longer breaks, use sick time, etc. Don’t burn any bridges. Spend time making a really nice resume/cover letter. Maybe even see if you can use some work resources before you tell them you’re out.
If you can’t stand it a second longer, I would sit down and see what you have and how long you can last. Finding a job without a residence (in the US anyway) is difficult, so I would not do anything that would leave you homeless. Let people around you know if you have such people. Tell your friends, parents, etc., so they know that you may be needing support. Do not tell anyone from work until you’re ready to go. Make a budget. Make one for if you have literally no money coming in so you can see the worse case scenario and have that be your starting point. You may even want to look around for food banks and so forth, especially churches during this time of year. It may not be everyday, but they do dinners more often in the winter. Write them down or save them somewhere that odes not require internet/service.
Good luck. I wish you you happiness.
My grandma, mom, and I are doing our part. 🫡
That’s a really dumb thing to get upset over. They also changed her mouth and the lip color. Like the original. I could understand if they edited her nose or some other features to be more “European,” but they changed only what they needed.
And it looks better.
They can be hard. I’ve tried Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. I got the furthest in Sekiro and kind of got the draw because, man, the high when you finished a boss. But the struggle, from my understanding, is part of the gameplay itself, part of the experience. It was too unforgiving for me. While I was happy finishing a boss, I didn’t go into the next one excited for the challenge, I was dreading the upcoming hours of banging my head against the wall, so I just decided it wasn’t for me. That part of the game play just wasn’t appealing to me, doesn’t mean it’s bad of course.
I say give it a try! They always have Bloodborne on sale, nothing wrong with trying and deciding it’s not for you, and it’ll be awesome of it is!
I’ll give that a try. Thank you!
It’s a cheap hp laptop. I was in a pickle when I needed it and I’ve paid the price. 😭
I feel the same way. I was really surprised that OnlyFans took off the way it did, when it did. There’s so much out there, I didn’t think there would be a market.