Yes, but it has to be somewhere. I don’t want dozens of venv dirs in my homedir.
Yes, but it has to be somewhere. I don’t want dozens of venv dirs in my homedir.
So … if I want to use a python module like, for example, mcstatus in a live shell for convenience I first need to create a venv, activate it, install the package and then use it? And then either have dozens of venvs somewhere or remake them every time?
Deno intended to be the redo of 'Javascript
That’s their first mistake.
What is “9070-series” supposed to be? “9070” isn’t a series but a specific graphics card! If you want to reference the whole series, then say “9000-series”!
Zangendeutsch war zu verlockend.
Oh, so we’re Winkelschleifern prompts now?
As normal user, the username is also green, and the # is a $
advertises decentralized social media telegram and twitter
When gecko electron?
(Yes, I know that there has been effort to that, but at one point having gecko and FF seperate was too much work, so it was merged further, so that it’s now even harder to create a gecko-based electron. So basically just create a clean FF profile, add all addons you want (uBlock and noscript are useful for some apps), and make a desktop shortcut to open the web page in that specific profile. Funnily enough, it’s more lightweight!)
Then I wonder why not all Teslas are banned in Europe. Damn. I wish they were. Whenever I see a Tesla, no matter if I’m a pedestrian, cyclist, bus rider or driving a car, I always assume they can do unexpected things. Be it the “drivers” using auto-park features which crashes the “car” through a bush, nearly bumping my (parked) car (that was actually scary to watch), unproven and unfinished security features kicking in or the “car” just breaking down (speeding up uncontrollably, steering wheel breaking off, etc.). All of those are things Tesla’s death machines do, that others don’t. I feel safer in a 20 year old Ford or a VW T1 Bus than I would in a Tesla.
Or use OS’s where case sensitive FS’s are the default. The ones I have in mind are much better for programming anyway…
Well … everyone using case insensitive FSs need to worry how they name stuff anyway.
kagis ‘C++ naming conventions’
Why expensive? eg. would be 7.20€/year couldn’t have been that much more expensive.
I figured as much now.
I was high myself as I commented this.
In my defence: I was high
Why do those things need network connectivity? I can only imagine for reading live power data to coordinate overall power production, but couldn’t you just make it read only?
The old way ig