The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Every so often, Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards mentions this. I want to know what it is so badly, but also don’t want that shit in my search history
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Every so often, Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards mentions this. I want to know what it is so badly, but also don’t want that shit in my search history
Silly me, not thinking of the poor little corporations again
What’s unsafe is having to navigate a giant fischer price interface whenever you want to adjust the A/C
This reminds me of the time Kate Mulgrew (cpt. Janeway on Start Trek Voyager) got hired to do a voice over for a documentary trailer only for her to find out later that it was a Flat Earther “documentary”
Probably lived somewhere where driving was a regular highschool class. My school had that, and I think it was a sophomore level class. They scrapped it when I was a freshman though, so I never got to take it
Honestly, if you live somewhere with really high urban density and/or good public transit, there’s a good chance a significant portion of that population has never bothered to learn to drive. So there’s lots of people who’ve never needed to drive in their whole life who find themselves somewhere where you can’t exist without a car. Bam, recipe for 25 year old student driver.
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Ages ago when I was in college, I had a little Brother laser printer. It was more than enough, as I was only printing B&W documents. It was wireless and you could easily get a few thousand pages per toner cartridge. Hell it even did duplex via a special duplex tray on the front. I loved that little thing, and eventually gave it away when I graduated as I basically stopped using it. If I ever find myself in a situation where I need to buy a printer, Brother is the only brand on my list.
Also, the lights would flicker whenever I fired it up, lol! that baby drew a lot of power.
Not a pathologist, but it isn’t unheard of to die from a punch. It happens more often than you’d think
should’ve paid attention during the training video, sheesh
If you think air travel sucks now, Imagine airlines having to bring their plane to Boeing every time it needs new brakes on the landing gear, or having it rot on the tarmac in Kuala Lumpur waiting for the AirBus repair team to come replace a wiper blade
Fortunately, planes are designed to be serviced, and the manufactures make replacement parts available. Going further, the manufacturer even publishes instructions on how to service the plane as well as tests you can do so you can make sure the plane is operating within specifications.
I don’t see why a med tech company couldn’t do the same so a hospital can fix its own hospital bed
The best camera to use is the one you have!
btw what wreck is this?
That’s actually really cool. Practical effects and creativity >>>>>> lazy CGI.
I had a look as well, and that’s gotta be 1995 dancing baby tier CGI. The effects department must be dusting off the old SGI indys because the budget clearly went to Bob’s next yacht
We reach a new, comical level of greed, and then they find a way to top it.
Enough is just never enough is it? Companies like amazon sit on dragon hoarde amounts of wealth, but they still need to make more
Not quite related to the conversation, but I think it would be funny if a CEO tried to run a business into the ground but ended up being the most successful and beloved CEO in the company’s history.
“I know, if I enact a 4 day workweek, nobody will have time to get anything done”
“Okay so that didn’t work… Maybe if I increase staffing, give everyone a raise, the overhead will eat into the company profits and nobody will want to invest!”
“Um… I’ll have the dev team drag their heels on product release! Nobody will want to buy our product if we release a month late. Heck, maybe if we wait until the devs say it’s ready we won’t release anything at all! This plan is sure to work!”
Finds 100 kilos of cocaine
“Who would leave 70 kilos of coke just floating in the river?”
Holy shit thank you. I’m always in the car or somewhere where you can’t just casually look something like that up, and by the time I get home I forget. Also the whole feeling awkward about looking it up. It seems like one of those oddly specific things where you kinda have to already know what it is to ask about it (if that makes sense), so it seems suspicious to be asking questions about it