#define if while // 🤪
They also had no science, no literature, no music, 85 % child mortality, and died of old age at 35. Coincidence?
“May” always means “or may not”. There’s a reason why they don’t simply say “improves”. #clickbait
Right, that’s when you should look for a driver language that’s better suited for the job, e. g. Python.
Every database I know comes with an SQL shell that takes commands from stdin and writes query results to stdout. Remember that “bash” never means bash alone, but all the command line tools from cut via jq to awk and beyond … so, that SQL shell would be what you call “bash library”.
Bash is perfectly good for what you’re describing.
"the [German] government … decided to remain for the time being in view of the wide audience that could be reached via its services.“
The definition of death is that it is not reversible, so it would mean that the person never was dead in the first place.
Thanks but what is the strawberry problem?
Yes. How about just trying it out?
Not an easy question to answer. You should ask of them, or check the poems and songs they write.
Does anyone else hate his “I despise Star Wars so I destroyed it and they didn’t notice” grin?
Or should I say, when this was posted on Usenet. Who knows when it was written.
This is older than many reading here … and C was already old when this was written.
No, these are sqlite temp files, not the database files. McAfee had no control over the temp files.
The bitch is crazy, get rid of her asap
Of course. It’s simply clickbait. Worked for you and me, obviously.