The idea was it was supposed to be him losing track of the barrier between reality and his delusions. He did kill a girl in that apartment, it was not the ludicrously long chase we see though, for example.
The idea was it was supposed to be him losing track of the barrier between reality and his delusions. He did kill a girl in that apartment, it was not the ludicrously long chase we see though, for example.
Using a single sheet towel.
B, A, using one whole side of the towel. Then fold it in half with the dry side out. Shoulders/begin C3, C4, C1, finish C3/C2, D2, D1, E1, E2, F, all with one side of the towel. Then flip it and use the dry outer side to do a quick pass in the same order.
I think so long as you maintain consciousness that issue is fairly null in this particular circumstance. There’s lots of tolerance for changes in thought while maintaining the same self, see many brain damage victims. So long as there is minimal change in personality, there are lots of other circumstances that have a stronger case for killing one person and having a new person replace them due to change of consciousness, imo, I don’t think most people would consider a brain damaged person killed and replaced by a new consciousness, or a drug addiction with radically altered brain chemistry, etc.
I don’t see an issue with that. A prolonged brain surgery that meticulously replaces each part with a mechanical equivalent in sequence. Could probably remain conscious the whole time.
This isn’t the same. Host nukes is not owning nukes, they seems to be proposing housing US nukes that Poland would not have control of, or be able to launch. With no launch codes, they aren’t a valid deterrent to conventional war, unless the world is convinced the US would use them to protect Polish sovereignty, which would obviously not be on the table.
Nobody wants to deal with the short term issues it raises, aside from the moral police issue. Legalizing it actually increases trafficking in the legalized area, while reducing it in a larger area outside the legal one. This only happens because it’s an island of legality, if it was legal everywhere then trafficking would drop much more everywhere. But Nobody wants to invite the temporary increase by being the first. Germany, for example, has higher sex trafficking than most of Europe. It also ignore the difficulty of regulation, there’s a reason it is so prevalent, even where illegal. There is always going to be a strong pressure on vulnerable women, and enforcing the regulations can be incredibly difficult.
That’s not to say it shouldn’t be legalized. But these are the challenges it faces.
Holy shit, some nice news from NH. Seems like it’s been a while since we were in the news for anything other than an embarrassment or the election.
I’m a suckered for the suits. This episode and the one where he was “Diablo” have got to be my two favorites.
To fill in a bit, gathers information on target, formulates a well thought out plan, new development forces him to scrap the plan and improvise something else on short notice.
The old idea isn’t wrong per se, lower lethality is a good survival trait. It just has to be weighed against the value of transmission, which would intuitively have a much higher value. In covid, the lethality rate is even less inpactful because it is contagious for a relatively long period before the host would suffer severe illness. But low lethality is still a good thing, and in such a widespread disease one would still expect that trait to become more pronounced eventually. That doesn’t mean it necessarily would, statistically likely doesn’t mean certain, especially if a particular mutation gave it a substantial bump to both traits it may never be selected out for example. But the current trend seems to be a result of this likelihood.
That’s because your thermometer is upside-down. Try tur ing it right way round, then see how cold it is.
It doesn’t even need to be that complex. Sure-fire confirmation that there is a pivotal move can help a top level player slow down, analyze, and make a better play than they would normally. All you really need is a single signal to tell them they have access to a brilliant move, and that alone can turn around a game.
I mean, it shouldn’t be an issue then. The point is they won’t allow armed people in, no matter why they’re armed. They don’t care if you’re a cop or military off duty with no weapons. This is just the union trying to spin it as anti-military/cop. I bet you anything the questions went something like
Nobody armed?
Not even military?
If you want to wear a little tinfoil, one might suspect they asked it like that just for the excuse to paint them as such.
Biggest reason is probably that it will be a lot easier to administer. Injection when you can’t used a medical profession is kind of a pain for everyone involved.
There are many different kinds of slavery, chattel slavery is one of many. Indentured servitude was a much less extreme and dehumanizing form of slavery, serfdom was something in between. Slavery is an incredibly broad term that basically means someone is unable to choose their labor, as it belongs to someone else. That doesn’t necessarily mean the person does, like in chattel slavery, just that their work does.
They set them up the bomb, all right.
Several countries have already figured this out, ot isn’t rocket surgery. The government has a pretty good idea what you owe, and send you a bill. If you want to take another route, you’re free to submit your own taxes, but the vast majority don’t need to do anything like that. There’s no reason we couldn’t use the same system, if it assumes standard deduction that would cover the vast majority of people. Anyone who wants to itemize would be free to, it just wouldn’t be automatic, so essentially, nothing would change for them. Well, almost nothing, the difference is if they take too long they have a safety net standard deduction already filed and done I guess.
Front left is keys. Front right has my boxcutter. Left cargo pocket is phone. Right cargo is for glasses case for shades or umbrella. Rear left pocket, at work or when I’m doing a project has box gloves. Rear right is wallet. My jacket has one cheap leather glove in each front pocket for weather/driving in the cold.
I mean the graph starts in 09, and Chrome launched in 08. I assume that did more to them, but both were probably notable.