That’s like saying you can murder people but there’s consequences - let that sink in bro
That’s like saying you can murder people but there’s consequences - let that sink in bro
Who said anything about book burning? Expression isn’t a right that all Americans enjoy - teachers in Florida can’t tell their students that they are anything other than straight CIS people…but freedom, amirite
Nah it doesn’t but I’m pointing out how the bastion of freedom that is the US ain’t as free as people like to think :)
Y’all have those book bannings, right?
You seem to have absolutely no idea what you are talking about - I’d suggest picking up a book sometime.
So what exactly is the problem with two non-NATO allies assisting each other? You’ve got a lot of words there but I don’t see how this is any different to the Nukes that NATO has stored in central Europe. I don’t blame DPRK one bit for wanting to secure it’s military capabilities while the US continues to sabre rattle against China for absolutely zero reason. The bit I can’t understand is why this is bad when what the US has done historically for decades is apparently A-OK because freedom
Poland is pushing for that which is exactly what SK says NK can’t do - you can’t be okay with Poland wanting nukes and not okay with DPRK wanting the same…or you can choose to be hypocritical ig
So it’s ok when the US makes untold numbers of arms deals all over the world but nobody else can? Like screw the Kremlin obviously but help me understand why one is ok and the other is not.
Why are you afraid of DPRK anyway?
What did Iran do? Hot take but if Nobel is actually serious, they’ll refuse the US, UK, France, Israel etc for similar reasons.
Just finished reading a book on slavery - current estimates are anywhere from 30 to 50mil people are still enslaved across the world in 2023.
You’ve missed the point - the world is moving on and cretins like the administration at BYU need to get the point. These motherfuckers don’t believe in evolution…that alone indicates they aren’t fit to educate. Fuck BYU and the LDS
America was there for the oil, the destability came as a result and that came well before 9/11. Anyway, it’d be great if they’d stop meddling in everyone’s business for their own selfish reasons and that includes the endless NATO sabre rattling under the guise of fReEdOm.
What do you think 9/11 was?
That if you spend decades destabilising a region in the name of oil, occasionally the people that are getting shit on will do something about it.
Any actual rebuttal or just gonna roll out the usual libshit jab and run along? America has blood on its hands for a lot of things, it found out once and might find out again if it isn’t careful.
Good luck getting any reform that negatively impacts rich people
HAHA did not expect empirical evidence to be produced, bravo
What an absolute dogshit headline - this old white man certainly needs to better at avoiding giving clippable highlights but the journalist absolutely knows what they are doing.
At the risk of sounding doomerish, nothing will change until it’s too late or there’s a revolution and heads roll.
You’ve missed the point - I am pointing out that being forced to hide who you are at the risk of losing your job doesn’t actually give people a choice and saying that they do is disingenuous. Criminalising someone’s identity doesn’t give people freedom to be who they are which the supposed freedom you say exists.
It’s just leaning into semantics while forgetting there’s real life people at the end of it being told to hide their sexuality or gender because some chuds are up in their feelings because not everyone is straight or identifies with their gender at birth. Sounds free to me /s