Yeah I left the massively overpriced closed source YNAB and Actual is actually better.
Yeah I left the massively overpriced closed source YNAB and Actual is actually better.
What do you do?
I’m not American but here’s my view. On one hand fuck the CEO guy it’s great, but on the other it’s scary that someone is out there capable of doing this.
But I also guess that the murderer isn’t necessarily a cold blooded murderer. So I’m leaning towards no.
Mate it’s not 100 years, more like 20. Look at all the extreme weather from this year alone. Most recently with Spain.
Azure Dev Ops and Azure Boards is even worse. Wish I could quit dev
You used to be able to run Java in the web, I remember the pain of applets.
Dr Harold Shipman, The Grindr Killer.
Stir racial hatred towards Muslims, distract from genocide.
More likely Mossad. Everyone’s quick to blame Russia but Israel has the means and the motive.
About 2 years
I miss fatpeoplehate.
What it’s like to use Google in 2024
Why does, “what ever the fuck is this comment” make no sense?
I don’t need help
Why do vegans always think they have the moral high ground?
I’m lazy and selfish
Ah thought so just wanted to confirm. Yeah I think I dropped the show not much later than that line.
Are you able to provide a few quick examples? I have it installed but don’t know what to do with it really.