Yes, this. Refactor first to make the upcoming change easier and cleaner, not after. Don’t ask for permission, don’t even call it refactoring or cleanup. Just call it working on the feature, because that’s what it is. Don’t let non-engineers tell you how to engineer.
For context I played the first one on NES when it came out. I liked how the different games each felt imaginative and a little different yet familiar due to certain common themes. I liked the games where the battles felt more tactical, like X, XII, and of course Tactics. I really like the setting of Ivalice, couldn’t say why but the setting is just appealing. I don’t like the turn the series has taken lately. XVI was a shallow action game and an even shallower RPG with paper-thin characters acting out a superficial imitation of A Game Of Thrones. I was way more invested in the character arcs of the cast of characters in VI than in the forgettable cast of XVI.
LLM got jokes! This had me in tears. Best AI response I’ve ever read hands down.
Deplorable and indefensible
Not any language. I code professionally in F# which has semantic whitespace and it has literally never been an issue for me or my team. In contrast to Python, it’s a compiled language and the compiler is quite strict, so that probably helps.
They hated him because he spoke the truth
No, I haven’t watched any myself, just saw some in my recommendations
There are videos on YouTube of other designers doing detailed criticism of the character designs if you’re interested
I had to look his name up myself. 😄 I was going to post a picture of his punchable face, but seeing the whole cast, he didn’t even stand out all that much compared to the rest. They all look like a bunch of bad cosplayers.
Make it F2P but charge for cosmetics that completely rework the art style. Almost all the characters look insufferable and I particularly want to punch Lennox in the face every time I see him.
Anything with procedurally generated levels, like roguelikes/roguelites. I can personally vouch for the longevity of Slay the Spire, for one specific example.
Because you still need to be able to understand what’s actually getting executed. There’s no debugger so you’ll still be debugging Bash.
Are you saying that you want to separate your two logical sections by having different levels of indentation and that’s what makes Python go crazy?
Since it’s a superset of JSON, couldn’t you just use the JSON notation if you hate the semantic whitespace?
I like the idea in principle. For it to be worth using though, it needs to output readable Bash.
is also used to declare values in better languages than JavaScript, such as Haskell and ML family languages like OCaml and F#
Stellar Blade. Everything about it is good except the voice acting. Combat, exploration, visuals, music all very good. 👍
Where I work, Senior Engineer is an IC role. They attend the same meetings as other engineers. Its the Staff+ Engineers and managers that attend more meetings (in ascending order)
Yeah, definitely higher than 4. The way that scale progresses, I think I’m at like an 8, maybe 10.