Why use print!
and not println!
? You’ll just mess up the terminal text flow…
Why use print!
and not println!
? You’ll just mess up the terminal text flow…
From a certain point of view - isn’t this exactly what happened here?
I often go into a Git worktree of one of my projects and mess around a bit to try something out. If I find it’s not working, I tell git to discard the changes with git checkout .
and git clean -df
. What I’m saying is exactly “on second thought, don’t do anything" - while what happens in practice is that Git restores all files to their HEAD
status and removes all the new files that are not already in HEAD
Of course, the difference is that I already have all the work I want to keep under source control, so these changes I’ve discarded really were that - just changes. He, on the other hand, “was just playing with the source control option” - so these “changes” he was discarding really were all his work. But Git did not know that.
Downvoting in order to bring it below @whynot’s comment.
They’ve decided who their customers are, and it’s not you
Since FF is free - isn’t that a given?
For Windows 11, it would be an ad for Hitler instead of just a picture.
XML is good for markup. The problem is that people too often confuse “markup” and “serialization”.
Just entered it, with my Google credentials, even though I’m neither a woman nor an American. If they are going to track people who read it, let’s add as much garbage data as we can (to the tracking, not to the sheet)
Don’t be so sure he’ll be fine. If he looses, he risks being official acted.
This is Rust. You don’t need a safe word - safe is the default. You need an unsafe
word instead.
Do we… want to be in the know?
I’ll start using it after I migrate to Wayland.
Do you have a cropped tattoo? Can we see it?
I initially read that as medieval management and now I cannot read it any other way.
My headcanon is that they are still there, forced to watch as Musk personally “improves” their code.
Hey, at least it’s not ads?
Not sure I’d chose to use the word “sweet” here…
Of course I know AI? Who do you think wrote this resume?
if date.today() - RELEASE_DATE > timedelta(days=90):
except PlayerRefusal:
But I had some success with low poly 3D models which I found are pretty easy to make.
Same. I find that for non-artists 3D is easier than 2D because:
Of course, my 3D models still look like crap - but it’s better looking crap than my 2D sprites…
That’s a very quaternionphobic list.