That’s funny, I could have sworn it was Eurasia last year. I must be mistaken.
That’s funny, I could have sworn it was Eurasia last year. I must be mistaken.
Yes, they can indeed be a problem for people with allergies. In my case dogs (and cats unfortunately) trigger respiratory issues. I had that issue at a workplace where dogs were allowed, not fun times. And unfortunately medication like antihistamines are not an option for everybody, personally I get extremely drowsy from them, even from the latest generation meds.
Nah. But I would recommend not trying to go for orange next you you try the vending machine. You might end up with lemon-lime.
Also keep in mind that the maximum number of monitors depend on the resolution(s) you want to use. Don’t expect to be able to have a monitor @ 4K in your chain for example. has a table with some examples of resolutions and the corresponding maximum number of monitors you can add to your chain.
but I generally see suicidality as a symptom of something else. If we can improve the “something else,” the suicidality improves or even goes away in the vast majority of cases.
If it was as easy as that she would never have gotten her request approved. It is extremely rare for someone at her age to have her euthanasia request approved on account of mental issues. Hell, it is near impossible to get your request approved for this at old age, let alone when you are in your 20’s or 30’s. So please be careful with comments like this, as having exhausted all available treatments is a prerequisite and there are a lot of them. Mental healthcare in the Netherlands is in a fairly shitty state thanks to 20 years of budget cuts and ‘let the market solve it’-policy, but it is not so shitty that we just resort to killing off troubled people.
If medical professionals would even have had the slightest feeling that there was a way remaining to get her some semblance of a normal life, she wouldn’t have been eligible.
Actually both options are possible here in the Netherlands, it’s a matter of preference of the patient. In both cases a doctor will be present, whom will also supply the drugs if a patient chooses to take them themselves.
This case is incredibly rare though, it is already extremely hard to have a euthanasia request granted for mental issues at an older age, let alone someone so young.
A bit more background on ‘the aftermath’ by the way, as the article doesn’t mention that: after the euthanasia has taken place a coroner will establish that this was indeed the cause of death. Once that is done the public prosecutor needs to give permission before the remains may be buried or cremated.
Also, the coroner will send the report of both the physician who approved and performed the euthanasia and that of the SCEN-doctor, who performed the obligatory 2nd opinion mentioned in the article, to a special committee that will check if everything went by the book. Not only the procedure leading up to the euthanasia, but also the act of the euthanasia itself. If there are doubts about whether or not all means of treatment were exhausted and if there really was undue and indefinite suffering, or if there are any doubts if the patient really wanted to go through with the procedure at ‘the moment supreme’, a doctor can be held accountable for that. Fortunately that is rare, as the whole procedure is not taken lightly.
My surname contains spaces. I’ve yet to encounter an airline that is able to handle that properly, so my last name on a ticket never matches my passport name. Either parts are missing, or they just print it as a single word. Never given me issues, so I doubt a slightly truncated middle name is going to pose a problem.
That’s just part of the problem unfortunately. The other part is overprescription, don’t expect or demand to have antibiotics prescribed for every cold. And if you do get them prescribed: finish the course, instead of stopping when you think things are better and leaving a colony of (somewhat) resistant bugs alive, which now stand a much better chance of gaining dominance.
Well, ok, wouldn’t be opposed to that, but there’s already been a number of UT followups whereas Unreal never got a sequel worth mentioning. Unreal 2 wasn’t a terrible game by itself, it just wasn’t very… unreal.
Just give me an Unreal Engine 5 remake of the original Unreal (no, not Tournament) and I’ll be a happy man.
For GNU tar
it is, for any other version I would not be so sure. Especially when disabling an atomic bomb.
Isn’t dendrite formation and the shorts they can cause a much bigger concern when dealing with old batteries that are being charged 24/7? Asking a genuine question here, so please don’t shoot me if I’m wrong. 🙂 I’d love to hear more about the most common failure modes and causes for li-po/ion batteries.
Definitely a case of ‘to each their own’. I’ve got one at home, I never want to go back to mucking around with two monitors whether it is for work or gaming.
Or Wing Commander III, with its ludicrous 4 CD’s. 😱
Or just don’t care about pub(l)ic opinion enough
Can’t answer that I’m afraid. My current provider fully supports IPv6 (and assigns a /48 😁 ), as did their predecessor, so my network has been dual-stack for years.
I can totally believe it. Here in the Netherlands we still have providers that haven’t implemented IPv6. We’ve had one (Delta) finally starting their IPv6 rollout to fiber customers this year, not sure if they already finished it. Some providers are just slow AF unfortunately.
Periodic, versioned and tested backups.
It absolutely, totally, never ever happened to me that I had a bunch of backups available that turned out to be effectively unrestorable the moment I needed them. 😭
While I agree that likely most SMTP traffic is sent encrypted these days, you simply cannot be sure. Just because you received something over an encrypted connection doesn’t mean that relays in between also used this. The webserver could have handed over the email unencrypted to an SMTP server for all you know. And even if an encrypted connection was used the mail might still have been copied to a log on the SMTP server. Email is unfortunately inherently unsafe.
I’m most certainly not. Oh look, time for The Two Minutes of Hate already. 📺