Do you mean inductive load rather than magnetic load? Or are all inductive loads attributed to electromagnets?
Edit: also, don’t like… a lot of appliances create inductive loads?
I’m a dude in Oregon. I regularly make bad life decisions and do not make a habit of learning from my mistakes.
Do you mean inductive load rather than magnetic load? Or are all inductive loads attributed to electromagnets?
Edit: also, don’t like… a lot of appliances create inductive loads?
“they make something beautiful instead of death” Agreed, but your neighbor’s kid’s fingers might not agree after that M-80
I mean… maybe we’re depressed because of the crushing weight of the real world impacts of what’s being reported on. I absolutely believe that consuming dour media can affect your mood. Plenty of evidence. I’ve also had two friends die of poverty due to their incapability to afford medical expenses.
Then where do I come from? I hope you’re misinterpreting my sentiment, because I feel like we’re on the same page.
It might feel pretty dire, but all of this information is critical to understanding and empathizing with the people you might meet in your own society. You can opt out of forums (and should if it’s causing you distress). I wouldn’t suffer a buffer from the negative information if it meant a lack of information in general.
Yo, I’m just happy to learn new things! Hell, my post was imploring people to criticize it, so you aren’t wrong in “well actually”-ing me. Keep killing it and keep sharing good chemistry knowledge! Psychoactive substances are continuously more intriguing to me as I learn more.
I met one of the grandsons of Alex Shulgin (creator of MDMA) in a drug diversion class that I taught briefly at the University of Oregon (meant for kids that were caught smoking weed in the dorms). I only hosted the class for a few months until I got complaints that I was too fascinated with the drug interactions and not with the whole “diversion” part of it.
But hey, everyone learned not to mix central nervous system depressants, which was the largest cause of drug-related fatalities at the UO, so I think I did my job effectively. Wish they would have paid me for it.
You’re good people, havokdjfintquuffatcpl.
Hot take, but hurtfully inaccurate. It’s worth looking at the research on hallucinogenic Tryptamines. DMT naturally exists in the brain and is used during R.E.M. sleep.
God, that’s a book and a half of neuro-interaction, isn’t it?
I mean, they never didn’t exist, but… fuck.
I… I guess because a subclass of psychoactive molecules came into existence after my education, I’m wrong. Just sucks to learn that and make sense of myself thereafter.
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Lysergemise deez nuts…
But in good faith and context, what are the differences in action potentials? Is it worth writing about? That’s an actual question, because (apologies) I’m stoned as fuck.
Also, how is it suddenly not a tryptamine?
I mean, this is going to sound super-oversimplified but hopefully correct: we know that Tryptamines like LSD and psilocybin serve their most novel functions on 5-HT2A serotonin binding sites and there are a lot in the thalamus, which is largely responsible for routing information to other parts of the brain. That would explain a lot of people’s accounts of synesthesia.
The circumstances that are necessary to promote neuroplasticity weren’t clear when I was in skool, but the fastest way to get a credible answer on the internet is to be wrong about something, so I’m going to claim it was 95.6% magic.
The Daniels also made a 10-minute short called, “Interesting Ball”. It felt like their entire goal was to say nothing at all and still make it feel profound.
Everything Everywhere wasn’t that, because it really explored regret, acceptance, and the importance of pursuing empathy in relationships. That being said, they definitely did their director magic and hyperbolized everything they could.
Is it still my favorite movie? Yes.
Yes it is.
I looked into it after listening to the largely emotional arguments. It’s mostly ship strikes and likely nothing to do with wind turbines or surveying for building wind turbines. The goal, of course, is to raise controversy and impede progress on wind farms and not to save the whales.
I’d like to allege that you fuck pandas.
Unregulated capitalism causes more harm than any other form of government not appropriately regulated. It’s worth more thought if you find yourself actively against it. We’ve been indoctrinated hard.
Nah, I want to see his dash cam later.
Nicest people in the world… until they get behind the wheel and turn into violent psychopaths. But then again, I drove mostly around Auckland.