Is his name Cletus by any chance?
Is his name Cletus by any chance?
All true. Most of the argument about free travel isn’t about taxes per se. It’s about being able to travel on those for which you paid taxes without further restrictive encumbrance. I’m sorry arguing for that but at the same time I understand the constitutional case for it.
I’m not sure the book has been closed on this one. You don’t have to be a sov citizen to read the constitution and know that laws get passed all the time that violate civil rights for instance. Laws get overturned when they are challenged and someone has standing. Appeals courts are issuing rulings all the time that reverse what many assume was iron clad and untouchable. Jimmy YouTuber could be wrong but if he tests it and appeals with standing, we might just be surprised by the outcome.
I like it. And any OSS licence model is better than closed IMO. Let’s see how it shakes out.
Agreed on all of that. As I understand it, periods of better worker markets make for less of that nonsense people are willing endure. I’ve seen a recent trend of corporations turning up the BS because the job market has been tightening up and people are less willing to take risks.
NextDNS is another option that’ll give you PiHole level control and customization. I will say PiHole is pretty easy to get up and running tho.
It does seem like it hovers around 50 percent but there are other factors. Some of that 50 percent knows how to manipulate the brain challenged for their own personal or political benefit. Others might have the capacity to use logic and reason but were raised not to. Or are so stubborn and righteous that they seek only validation to confirmation bias.
Never call the police regardless of your ethnicity. Period. They’re not going to help. If you don’t get shot, they’ll look for some pretext to arrest you - even if you’re the victim or witness of a crime.
I’m sure it didn’t go well. If it was somehow framed in a sycophantic way where the police were led to believe it was their idea, I’m sure it would have gone better. Wait that might not be too difficult to do.
Might be about time for testers to start cr4pping their pants tho.
I think we got a master class in how to trigger GOP dumbfsckery. The video is pure gold.
I do that as a matter of course. And the previous point is spot on. One notable instance was Best Buy. I bought something and encountered someone intending to check my receipt who happened to be management on the way out. I politely pointed out that their default position of mistrust of legitimate customers has a longer term effect on their business model. Her dishonest response sealed the deal: “we just want to make sure you purchased what you intended to purchase”.
I’ve seen some interesting thoughts on TDD with fail, pass, refactor assumptions. I’m curious if anyone here is writing functional code in order to then make a failing functional test pass i.e. BDD / ATDD. This follows similar logic without the refactor assumption. I’ve seen strong opinions on every side as far as this is concerned. On a team with Dev and QA competencies, I’ve heard a number of devs glad to get QA out of the bottleneck and put their knowledge to better use.
Well by another definition they all have the same core religious view. Just as any other religion that perpetuates collective hysteria and war. Humanity is better without any kind of organized dogma. Let’s jettison the stone age thinking.
They have a predatory business model. “Hey we’re cheaper than the competition”. Once you’re soaking in it and need features, they have options but it’ll cost you. I reckon they have slick sales people who know how to pander to the egos of middle management as well. You know … The people who don’t actually have to use the tool but sure like to feel like they somehow matter.