Ug, why can’t people tell new stories anymore? Everything is a reboot or a sequel. This is just the Trump story with a slightly happier ending since Bolsonaro might actually face consequences.
Ug, why can’t people tell new stories anymore? Everything is a reboot or a sequel. This is just the Trump story with a slightly happier ending since Bolsonaro might actually face consequences.
I wonder what Gary Busey is up to these days.
I haven’t used a database that required me to specify case in 15 years, and I’ll be cold dead in the grave before I do it again… only because I assume that’s what they use IN HELL.
We could do name LIKE ‘%AMERICA%’ but that would grab a few extra countries. Course that faction of the political spectrum would be all in favor of “acquiring” more countries anyway.
No country dim table I’ve ever seen would just have “America” as the country name, but now I’m just being a pedantic asshole, which is my default setting.
For me it was wanting to put in calories for each food item eaten in a day, the estimated calories burned in a day, then any additional burned calories from exercise, and then display the total of calories still “allowed” for that day, if that makes sense. My spreadsheet also had a whole bunch of stuff taking averages of my daily numbers so I could enter a weight goal and trend my weight loss to see when I could expect to get there, etc. it was a ludicrous spreadsheet, I admit it.
I’d love a good calorie tracker. I’m on the pedantic side and ended up using a fancy spreadsheet because none got as granular as I wanted /shrug
There were a dozenish producers on that movie, which ones were responsible?
Exactly, there were a dozenish producers on that movie, he was the only one charged.
Seriously. I see so many people in other threads bitching about how the rich never get held accountable and I don’t disagree but that was NOT the issue here.
In movies they do take after take after take. They fire the gun, hand it off to an armorer, get it back, fire, repeat. I’ve watched it happen, a lot. And I get it, people think the actor should be opening and checking every round before firing every time, and yes that is conventional firearm wisdom that does not work in that scenario.
That’s why you hire experts to ensure this process is done safely and the armorer did not do that, period. And it should be pointed out that this process is followed in movies and TV shows over and over again safely, this time it did not happen and that is squarely on the fault of the armorer.
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I would say it’s hard to quantify specific examples of it helping in the sense you mean, the point of it is to create more awareness of institutional prejudices that affect groups of people. Becoming aware of these prejudices is the first step towards finding ways for those institutions to provide their services more equally to people.
Buddy that response and attitude is the exact opposite of helping and reinforces every negative thing people say about critical theory.
I’m not sure why you think “being on the fence is an interesting position to take”, I’m glad there are people out there who have the skills to look at the code and see if it’s doing what people claim it is doing or not, I am not one of them. I just want a browser that doesn’t treat me like a piggy bank and less ads. I don’t know the developers reputation and simply asked for more knowledgeable people to chime in, sorry if that’s a problem for you.
Mozilla says the addon has problems, the developer says it doesn’t. Are there any 3rd parties that can weigh in on this?
It doesn’t, it’s a perception bias caused by a few different things like others here have mentioned, but also freshly grown hair tends to be thicker, then tapers off as it grows, so it SEEMS thicker.
Call me pisher but I’m not sure I’m on board with fighting terrorism with more terrorism.
How long before Trump publicly rants about this?
You mean ridiculous in a good way, right?
That’s nothing, my kid did at least 4 times that yesterday, in Terraria.