I wonder if it’s a placebo effect. Like I go for a back massage every month or so and feel good for a few weeks but I’m fully aware it’s just muscle pain relief and not some permanent fix.
I wonder if it’s a placebo effect. Like I go for a back massage every month or so and feel good for a few weeks but I’m fully aware it’s just muscle pain relief and not some permanent fix.
Surprising Australia voted in favour this time
Not sure why this news page on Facebook and Twitter seems to attract the worse comments
I thought I woke up once to a sound of a dinner party going on in another part of my house, with glasses clinking, people talking and some sort of music in the background. There’s no one at home except my SO and my cats lol.
Wait, is there a granular way to give access to my information? Like say I don’t mind people seeing my comment history but would like to hide what posts and comments I upvote and downvote.
Wow I’m so shocked, ok not really