The last time someone tried to sell oil in anything other than the US dollar, his country was invaded under false pretenses.
The last time someone tried to sell oil in anything other than the US dollar, his country was invaded under false pretenses.
MAke America Tax the Rich Again.
Make America like the 1950s.
The think tanks funded by rich people saying “They want to take away your guns/cows/statues etc” and “unions suck” are better at this than we are.
We can want all we want, but a whole pile of the media is owned by the 1% and what they want is the status quo.
Conservatism is literally, don’t change anything.
The two indictments about Jan 6th and the plot to use fake electors offer a detailed look at a conspiracy. This isn’t just mob talk about “it would be awesome if this happened” – there is evidence of a coordinated effort to create fake electors and attempt to steal an election. The act of creating fake electors is a crime. The conspiracy to create fake electors is a crime.
All of these things are a crime. The problem is, in America, people who have power are held to a higher standard. Trump will get all sorts of concessions, and slow this down like mad. What he also has is an entire network carrying water for him. Because of Fox News – which was started to avoid another Nixon, he gets to both sides this.
Take a moment to admire the marketing of the gun manufacturers for a minute. Like, imagine someone having 47 toasters.
Gun Manufacturers and the NRA (same thing) are good at what they do.
See you next summer.
This will be the coolest summer you ever experience.
Trump the candidate and Trump the defendant have different goals.
Trump the candidate will explain this is the deep state Biden admin curtailing his free speech.
Trump the defendant will have to defend himself from charges that aren’t related to free speech. So my guess is he’ll let them find him guilty (good for Trump the candidate) and hope that all the elections staff quitting means his people will get in and fix it for him.
Trust me, calling a Hurricane season the BP Hurricane Season is not free advertising. A bunch of red hat-wearing cultists will love it, but the vast majority of the planet will understand the premise. And it will tick away at their dominance.
Or we can just carry on and let them open up public lands to drill baby drill whilst we watch average global temps rise.
Anyone listen to the Behind the Bastards pod on Adams? It was a two-parter that was awesome. Google it Lemmies.
Oil and gas companies are awesome at branding. We need to be better. We should name the heatwaves after oil companies.
We should also name the hurricane season. So the Exxon Mobile Heatwave, and the British Petroleum Hurricane Season. The Suncor Forest Fires.
And the shoreline!
The comments are full of nuclear bros who think nuclear is the answer. Something about sun and wind not working everywhere.
I think a few scientists at Exxon Mobile predicted this in the 70’s in their worst-case scenario reports.
Welcome to the British Petroleum summer heat wave. Next up is the Exxon Mobile Hurricane season.
Fun fact about the Exxon Mobile Hurricane Season, oil and gas platforms can get insurance against a storm in the Exxon Mobile Hurricane Season, but homeowners in Louisiana can’t get any homeowners insurance due to the expected severity of the named storms in the Exxon Mobile Hurricane Season.
As the party of tax cuts for rich people, with 3 of the last 4 GOP presidents proudly cutting taxes for rich people, it has been interesting to watch the evolution of Trickle-down as the framing for these tax cuts.
Even when it was clear the money would only trickle down to yachts, the W tax cuts (biggest ever) were seen as helping main street by increasing investment. This is trickle down, without saying it.
By Trump’s tax cuts, he was just saying I cut taxes. He didn’t dance around phrases, he just said tax cuts for everyone and of course they weren’t, but with about 18 other lies that day, people can’t keep up.
The next GOP president will cut taxes for rich people. It is the only thing you can count on.
He said in 2015 that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and people would still love him. One thing I will say is that Trump realized he could easily grift people like your parent. I am sorry, BTW. It sucks.
Everyone does it, tho!?!