My point is it’s learned behaviour. Most people just forget the learning of it
My point is it’s learned behaviour. Most people just forget the learning of it
Fedi seems to be really great for accessibility from what I’ve seen. At least I’ve never never interacted with so many visually impaired people before joining mastodon. So I’d say that culture is working.
I believe there’s a nice way to go about (honey v vinegar, etc), but generally yeah, it feels really good to be in a virtual space that is so welcoming.
I can’t really think of a case where a post’s image isn’t relevant to the associated discussion. Even if it’s just a nonsense post with an unrelated image, knowing what the irrelevant image is about would help make sense of the discussion.
Not enough info is better than nothing. Because if it’s nothing, you can’t tell if the person who shared the image is lazy or decided the alt text wasn’t necessary for this particular picture
I didn’t really even think about it at all, since I fit in pretty well. I just ignored it. But I’m cis af, and not everyone is. So I can see the benefit to those people.
Also I don’t think you remember how arbitrary all the gender norms sound when you first learn them. It all sounds totally unnatural at first.
Not a lot of things more basic than your gender.
It’s easy for us cis folks to hand wave it away as pointless frippery, since everyone already acknowledges our gender identity.
We have the privilege of not even having to think about it or question how we feel.
Not so easy for some other people.
I’m not seeing any downvotes on the kbin web app
On the flip side, they are immune to any other “cringe attacks” that come up. Who knows it might be strangely liberating