Why not? This is contingent on the US being an unreliable nuclear umbrella… And Germany deciding they will be part of the EU’s nuclear deterrence.
Quak, Quak, quuaakk
Why not? This is contingent on the US being an unreliable nuclear umbrella… And Germany deciding they will be part of the EU’s nuclear deterrence.
You don’t need many nowadays. They can be city killers all by themselves… a single satan 2 missile Russia is so desperate to get working would be able to wipe new York of the map…
It would additionally require a few subs for second strike capability.
A friend who works and lives in Thailand told us that ladyboy is a fairly common naming used there.
That’s just the dishonest pundets though… and the people ratcheting the Dems right. Kamala ran on a Y2K republican program and got annihilated because Y2K republicans are now maga and there are no moderate republicans.
Clinton repealing glass steagall
Except in this case the tax is levied across the entire value chain. But yes, this would favor high margin business over low margin ones. But isn’t the current system doing that too? Investors throw money at high margin companies while not so much at low margin ones.
That would be true if companies did not create elaborate constructions and park money in tax havens.
I’d almost say that companies should be taxed (a different rate) not on profits but on revenue. If they make the revenue in your country, it should be taxed in your country.
Except your argument on small ownership is quick decision making has a counter arguement… shareholders… they appoint a small group for daily operations and decisionmaking. But the real power is with the shareholder meeting and a large group of possibly anonymous owners.
Exclude a mortgage for your primary residence, capped at the median house price or something… And only exclude it IF it is paid back in full over a max period.
This is the case in the Netherlands… paid back in full after max 30 years… No cap in how much. This was because the interest on the mortgage are tax deductible. So some bankers figured… we keep the loan maxed, and put your paybacks in a special fund… and at the end of the 30 years the fund pays back the mortgage. That way we get max interests and you get max tax break. In the end the banks made a lot of public funds private this way.
Assets are taxed all the time (real estate tax, car tax… ). So taxing the value of a share portfolio at the 31st of December each year is perfectly doable. And if it has depreciated since last year, you get a tax deduction… which is capped by the income tax to maximally reach 0… No carrying over till next year… or maybe 1 year… whatever, that’s implementation details.
How much do you tax these assets is the point that needs consideration… it’s not fully income… But a percentage is only fair. And if this means people need to realize gains to pay for it… that’s fine… Why would it not be?
And borrowing against an asset portfolio should mean that it counts as realizing gains of the asset portfolio and the amount is seen as income and thus taxed. (You loan 10 million against your shares, that’s income) And to avoid fallout for the normal people you can build in a threshold and exclusions for example for the first million in your lifetime… or for the mortgage on your primary residence with a cap at the median house price or … something. So for these people borrowing against assets means they can keep the assets… but pay interest on the loan. Alternatively they can actually realize the gains and pay cash.
It’s not hard at all, it’s a matter of political will, and writing proper laws that state your objective and exceptions.
It should be E and the DOJ should have made sure that this was handled in a court of law in the first 100 days. Or maybe even a specialised tribunal for insurrection.
How did they handle the insurrectionists post civil war?
It also helps if you have a very specific and narrow cause … muh guns rights … and anti or pro specific legislation. This creates broad consensus… that follows the NRA draft talking points they usually bring out.
What timezone?
They are now saying, we got the mandate, we gotta do it. I even heard a rep senator say that they will go after companies employing illegals because then they will go home.
Get ready, because this will cripple agriculture and other sectors.
Also, the IRS knows who employs illegals… easily. They know how much revenues companies make per employee from massive datasets, they can easily point out the companies that over earn compared to their employee numbers in a specific sector. Same as they can easily determine someone’s income from their yacht, house or jet size.
In the Netherlands they for example audit hair salons if their purchase of hairspray (or other consumables) does not line up with their listed revenue… they know the revenue per bottle of hairspray… Or at least the range it should be in.
If you are asked where you differ from a whildly unpopular president in a time where all normal Americans are hurting bad, and you answer “nowhere”.
And your points on the economy are essentially, the economy is booming…
You disqualify yourself, as we saw.
People did not want more of the same or small incremental change. And apparently the worry some have about fascism taking over is not believed by many… politicians say a lot… but they won’t do that.
Time will tell.
America will withdraw from anywhere without a direct financial benefit to the administration. This creates a vacuum and blind spots that will be filled by the US’s adversaries, creating an even more opaque playing field for the US.
Heavily tarrifed sales to the US will be paid for by the US citizens while at the same time non US companies will see their sales in the US decline. If he removes income tax, this might be a bump in take home, but won’t offset the rise in prices, especially not if US companies will just raise their prices to as close as possible match the non US alternatives making record profits.
Trump will demand countries pay for us protection, but having shown to be unreliable, this might mean some short term income for the US, the countries will scramble to be independent from the US and the US MIC as they cannot be trusted either (the us might stop sales, or even turn of supplied weapons).
The same for Ukraine, most likely Trump will just tell Europe to poney up the money and as long as the EU has no alternative they will have to, or they will allow Ukraine to fall, blaming it on trump. Regardless the relationship between the US and the EU will dramatically sour.
Since the EU is in an energy crisis, most likely Trump will try to price gouge the EU here as well… on the other hand, drill baby drill could mean cheaper energy overall giving him severe leverage over countries in the middle east.
Maybe a warning for future generations about what is apparently acceptable discourse now.
If you got skills, pick a country and go to their immigration website. They will happily walk you through the process.
Next step is only annual contracts.