un huh and if pigs could fly and 3 million more votes mattered …
un huh and if pigs could fly and 3 million more votes mattered …
the literal nazi is clearly the better option
one is a nation another is a terrorist group, are they supposed to look the same?
better hit every hospital just to be sure /s
rich old white men do cliche rich old white men things
22k for a used car seems like a bad deal
people won’t pay to hear ‘don’t have kids’
so they skip that part
ah lack of empathy is such a great indicator of conseravtism
too lazy and/or too stupid
the point is if they are unhoused we don’t have a homeless problem
I’ve seen those before, not a fan given how poorly they are marked
unless it’s that time of the month for quotas or you dare driving while black not a whole lotta traffic enforcement anywhere
cops are so fucking lazy in my state
numerous red light runners right in front of cops
look at the size of the most popular vehicles for various nations
issues is vehicle size to skirt fuel regulations not having the loop hole closed
are bicyclists on the road? you should be able to see them same as a car
poor visibility of sight lanes is a different issue all together and should result on a no right turn on red sign, I have one I drive through daily due to a hill on the left
real cause is larger trucks and suvs mean most people can’t see the road in front of them
80% of my phone screen covered in ads
shit website
you don’t own shit unless you can stop others from taking it
thinking otherwise is a naive privilege
it never stopped being that, everything else is theatre
the policy is support the money
harm is just the byproduct
if the harm is obvious and the profit isn’t just assume the grift is somewhere up stream
my dude, some holiday doesn’t make it better, your country isn’t facing shit, just like the US
look up the quality of life statistics and that huge gulf
as an impacted native, fuck yourself
the lack of self awareness lol but you go ahead and do that